"dey gawt luckeee!!!! Gary koobeeak iz ah tehrribel head coach!!! all he needs ta do, iz to make shu-ah his cornah plays edwidz inside instedah outside and da game iz ovah!!!"
Come on baby, whats the point of getting pouty now. Stand up and fight. Beat those fucks in Pittsburgh and everything changes.
That video brought a tear to my eye.That was before we started believing all our own hype and when we were much more disciplined.Dont say im wrong cause its true.
I always hope that the Jets win each week, and it's that hope that keeps me interested. If we go to Pittsburgh and take care of the Steelers, it'll go a long way to restoring my confidence in them.
What a great video! I started to tear up myself, those games especially the San Diego one were very emotional for me for a number of reasons. What a fun ride that was. I still think we will beat Pittsburgh this Sunday. Rex should show them this video.
I was just saying this in another thread. I'm a pessimstic fan and although I embrace the "Same Ole' Jets" mentality, there's been too many unforseen things happen in last 2 years to count them out. Go back to week 1 and tell me if you thought they stood a chance against NE the following week? Did anybody see that coming from Sanchez? The way he played in week 2? I say we get back to the G&P this weekend and play in a close one.
It's also dumb when people say that the Jets won't win because they never won in Pittsburgh. The last time they played there was what the Doug Brien game? Unless I'm mistaken only Ellis, Thomas and Moore remain from that team. If the Jets lose, it's because this team lost not because teams of the past lost.
Thanks Mexican for posting that link. If that video didn't evoke some sort of emotion, then you aren't human. I would trade a lot of things to relive that run again. Here's to the rest of the season and our new playoff run. JETS JETS JETS