So you get called out as being nothing more than a high school coach, and your response is to make a personal attack. Looks like he hit the nail on the head with that one. :rofl2:
Let's see if he hit the nail........ I graduated High School in 1994 and Montclair State University in 2000. I then comp-loeted the uniform Certified Public Accounting (CPA) exam in 2002, and was officially certified in 2003 after working 3 years for one of the top 4 public accounitng firms in the world. After that, I attended New York Universities Executive MBA program and completed it cum laude in 2006. During that program, I egan coaching high school football at a local school in southern NY state. Between all of that, I obtained certification to officiate High School Football in NJ as well. I am in my 3rd year of officiating, and I'm in a training program where NFL officials have recently been known to go through and begin careers in division 1 ball and possibly NFL. I currently work 50-60 hours a week for a worldwide education company where I run the US accounitng department of about 25 accountants. I was recently temporarliy relocated to the UK for a 9 month assignment where I took over the accounting duties around the globe. So, I'm not quite sure what I should be embarrassed about. I love football, and my opinion of Rex is that he does not have the best of abilities to break down film. I never said he does not look at film. My comment was that I don;t believe he has the best ability to look at film and discover weakness. I'm not looking to be a dick on here, but just understand that there are people posting on here that have some credibility.
The guy is regarded as one of the best defensive minds in football, ANYBODY will tell you that. He was the coordinator for some really good Batlimore defenses (the Ravens made it to the title game in 08 on the strength of their defense) as well as being the defensive line coach for one of the best defensive lines in NFL history. I would think that some of his success can be attributed to his ability to break down film.
WHOA! I take everything I said back after your revealing of all these things that you have comp-loeted.
Let's agree to disagree about Rex's work ethic and have one of these before bed. They are all accountants....
No, I was a bus driver ealrier in the thread. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I don't Brive a Dus.
Who cares what he says in the press conference, what he's wearing, or what his mood is. I want this team to play football like it's the only thing they live for. I want them to play up to their potential. If they do that, Rex could come up on stage, take a shit, and leave and I wouldn't care.
Of course Rex watches a ton of film. Do you think he got that fat doing outdoor stuff? He's in front of the screen with the pretzel M&Ms at least ten hours a day.
Anything after this point in the sentence is irrelevant. Alosi was being a fucking asshole. There's no other way around it.
Tough crowd. To save some the troubles, the more you list off your real life accomplishments thru the interwebz to a group of people that really don't care...that's when u've begun committing eSuicide.
:rofl: I see wat u did there Yeah I mean there's really no way to justify his actions or even make excuses for it. He fucked up, he's facing a stiff penalty and life will move on.
Well I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the accountant that runs the Jets has a lot better grasp of Rex's film work than the one that is a high school football coach. The only thing your proving in this thread is your ignorance is vastly outweighed by your arrogance.