The answer should have been this. "Sal called me to apologize for not restraining his impulses to trip a guy that was running down our sideline, on the wrong side of the white strip, UNFLAGGED, on a punt return"
Get a F*ng grip. Watch the 3rd down play on the first series. Shotgun. Then a 3 step drop. ON THIRD AND F*NG FOUR. That's gotta be a bang-bang play. Not a 4 yard route that takes four seconds to develop.
Rex Ryan is a good football coach, but in my opinion he will never be an exceptional coach and will not win a Super Bowl. I believe Rex is the ultimate motivator, and he is great at becoming friends with his players and getting his team to give 100%. Rex has a bond with his players and his team enjoys the freedom they get from thier head coach. However, Rex does not appear to be a "film" coach and will never be able to break down an oponent so as to discover their weakensses and develop a solid game plan. I don't believe tour coach emphasises the importance of studying anywhere near what, say, Belichek does, and we will pay for not being prepared against the good teams in the league. In all honesty, we had this in Mangini, but he was not a "player" coach like Rex is, and it ultimately led to his demise. Just my opinion.
Do you even watch football? Clearly Rex studies. That's why he's always a top 5 defense. What Rex needs, is to groom someone behind him (I have my doubts about Pettine), and start learning to do it on the offensive side, instead of relying on the retard. Oh...and PS..Rex..and Sanchez...are going to average 10 wins a year and playoff appearances in their first two years... Did Beli do that ? I don't think so.
My point about Rex and the Press Conference last night is that you don't tip your hand even if you're thinkikng about pulling your QB. You STFU. Once the toothpaste is out of the tube you've got a tough time getting it back in. Now he's saying he was "thinking about it" but now he thought about it and now he thinks Sanchez still gives us the best chances. Why even go there? And what does that tell you about what he'll be thinking again if we lose all 3 of the next games? He says it's a TEAM thing and they're all responsible. Okay, fine. So it's not only the QB... it's everyone. So you don't even go there with Sanchez with this "pulling" thing. Christ almighty. Really fucking stupid in my opinion. It's not what this kid needs right now, that's for sure.
Really? Of course he breaks down film and studies....he wouldn't be a coach if he didn't. Do you honestly think all he does is motivate the team? ..of course he gameplans.
This this and this. Not to mention at the beginning of the second quarter, this idiot and Braylon are dancing on the field to the music the P.A. is blasting. I had to sit there in the rain and watch the Dolphins take a 10-0 lead into the second quarter and these fucking jerkoffs are dancing. It infuriated me to no end.
Have you ever watched a football game? The gunners get pushed out of bounds almost every single play and it never gets called unless they take a really, really long time to get back in bounds.
This was asked of Woodhead a week or so ago - what the difference between the two coaches it. He didn't say much, but what he DID say is that both coaches spend long hours in film study and scheming.
Did you not read the part of his 2 sentence long post that said "unless they take a long time to return"? That's why they were called yesterday, they took a long time.
schmuck, He was not OOB. (e.g on the white stripe) He was ON THE F*NG JETS SIDELINE (e.g. so F*ng far OOB that he could get tripped), AFTER HAVING BEEN FLAGGED FOR IT. And there was no flag on the play. To compound the presser....he claimed to have 'SPLIT THE DOUBLE TEAM'
I don't watch any football. Come on man. Are you serious? I played football for 25 years and I coach at a very high level right now. My post does not say Rex does not study. It says he is not a film coach. I believe there's a difference between a player coach and a film coach. I believe Herm was a player coach as well, and not a film coach.
It's an opinion because I don't physically watch what Rex breaking down film. It is not fact until I physically see Rex studying film and it turn into a visible game plan.
Every level breaks down film, I do it at my level as a high school football coach. But my point is what you see when you break it down. I'm sure Belichek gets wood when he looks at film of Coleman in coverage. Of course that's extreme. It tkaes talent to to be able to break down film, dioscover weaknesses, and exploit those weaknesses on Sunday.