This whole game was the inept quarterback bowl. But as bad as Sanchez was it was the drops that cost us the game.
You don't. The Jets invested a ton of time and money in the kid, you hope he fixes it down the stretch. Not saying he deserves a pass but he's gonna get it.
This was brutal...He showed no effort out there...they played like they wanted to go back home and watch tv on this sunday night.
So, you're saying his contract will keep him on the field ala Vern Ghoston? If that's true, after looking at the DW/JmK debacle it very could be true, then we're not gonna do much this season given the remainder of the schedule.
Where were all you guys calling for Sanchez to be benched and cut when we were in the playoffs last year beating San Diego? Where were you when he was 8td 0int when we went our run earlier this season? 2 ugly losses and you guys come out of the woodwork. Sit down and stfu all you SOJ fans.
He's not going to get a pass, he's going to continue to be the starting QB of this team. What good would starting anyone else do? Do you think we're going to secure a wildcard spot with Mark Brunell at the helm?
I think his contract and past performances will keep on the field...along with the commitment/investment in him. You can't work your way out of a rough patch on the sideline. The Jets are gonna sink or swim with Sanchez.
+1. and when they were winning, who was STILL getting the talk because of how slow the offense looks? Shall I name names?...surely wasn't the guy who was leading the Jets back to those wins...
If he doesn't get his head out of his ass and start playing better, he better be benched by week 17. Mark Brunell should be able to at least beat the Bills. If Sanchez looks as bad the rest of the season as he has the last 3 weeks, i think the organization will start looking at other options at QB. Hes easily bottom 5-7 QB the last 2 years.