This was against the worst defense in football! Schitthead has to go, way too much talent for such mediocre play.
I agree. The Patriots know how to utilize their players. Turning Deion Branch into a great receiver. Doing with Woodhead what we couldn't. What happened to Keller? Fire this piece of shit who only is in the NFL because of his father.
The offense should have performed better but Rex blew this game from the get go. Down 3-0 should have punted. Instead Folk missed a kick nobody in the world knew he was gonna fucking make. Gave them great field position. It's one game but a painful one. I still think we rebound and finish the season strong. But fuck tonight sucks
Hard to blame Schottenheimer for this one, the run was working well early on but idiotic decisions by Rex and poor defense put them in a hole they were never going to climb out of. It's very obvious very early when Sanchez "doesn't have it" and once the Jets went down by a couple scores the offense was pretty much dead in the water because they'd have to abandon the run.
Sanchez has been horrible but I've seen 2 or 3 balls that are more than 10 yards downfield. That's not how you attack a weak pass D.
It wasn't on Schottenheimer. This was all about drops and poor execution. I would say I wanted more running up the middle because I think the Patriots are weak up the middle and can be run on. But other than that, it's not on Brian.
Sanchez needs a new QB coach thats for sure. He has to exploit the mismatches. Edwards and Keller 1on1 with anybody is a mismatch, theyve been almost invisible for a bit. There is too much talent at the WR/TE position for this little output.