Jets Survey for 2011 Tickets

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by JetsSec337Lot13B, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I don't know how to create a survey but just wondering who plans on renewing for next year or trying to upgrade your seats in the upper deck. We all have our opinions on the place but that doesn't mean whether you are keeping or not. Also post any regrets you may have had in your seat selection for 2010.

    Me personally I got one of the best $95 seats in the house because the kid I high five across the aisle from me pays $105 a game. I have sat in the upper deck my entire life so it doesn't bother me much. Is the view worse? Absolutely. Is it decent though? Yes it is. The escalators are the part that I dislike since it now takes much longer to get up to my seats and I have to take the stairs down but I fly out of the stadium. Assuming seat prices don't jump in 2011 I plan on renewing my seats and finding a way to get one of my friends with a PSL and/or ebay to get me a yellow parking pass. Some of the people who I sit near, sat near me in the old stadium and I also like the new people who sit around me. I enjoy going to the games and I enjoy the tailgates so there's no reason to drop. If anything it should be more pleasant next year once you get the 5,000 or so miserable fucks out of the stadium and some new blood in the place.
  2. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I don't have upper deck seats but knowing how some of the Reps have been I doubt they will let you upgrade your location. You might have to cancel and buy new seats as a new customer. But whatever you do good luck!
  3. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I plan on keeping my exact same seat location for the next 30 years of my life.
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The conduct of the reps throughout this process has been horrendous to say the least and still gripes the hell out of me to this day. My seniority day was June 16, 2009, and I anxiously waited for that call for months.

    I wound up taking 4 in Section 342, Row 16. "Not terribly bad," I thought, although it was no Section 227, Row 5. The rep, Manny Jacobo (who is now a manager) told me "this is the best he could get me," even with my 1985 seniority. Turns out he got me allright. After they had gone through all of the present ticketholders right down to the last account, they offered up the rest of the seats to the general public. Anyone could cold call and buy Upper seats regardless of seniority.

    So out of curiosity, I call up to see what's still available and I'm offered 4 in a better section and a closer row. "What the hell?" I'm saying to the rep. "I was given 342, Row 16. Can I turn in those seats for these?" "Oh no sir," the rep politely tells me, "but you can add these seats to your account." so this is what I did. I had to "uipgrade" myself. I now have two sets of 4 tickets in the Uppers, complete with a Parking Pass for each set. I've managed to sell one set every week and I'm almost about even, I would say, with two remaining games coming up that will probably make me even on the extra set if I can get more than face for them. If you're wondering why there are so many Ravens fans, Cincy fans, etc. in the stands, you now know at least one ticketholder's story as to why that is happening. The Jets ticket office fucked me into this decision, so I don't want to hear anyone getting on my case about being a sell-out. Blame the Jets' ticket reps. The Jets fucked themselves and Rex Ryan, who wants "everyone in their seats" by kickoff. So he gets what he wants... every Cincy fan will be in their seats on kickoff tomorrow, including possibly those in Section 342, Row 16.

    As far as next year, I still don't know and haven't decided. Everyone has a different scenario, I'm sure. I'll be finally dumping my first set... Section 342, Row 16, I'm pretty sure. With the schedule this year it's been a struggle to break even on them, even though we've got a winning season cooking. I can't imagine what it would have been like to try to sell them if we were 2-7 or something like that. Forget about it. The 342 Row 16 seats aren't too bad and I'm sure anyone in Rows 20-23, for example, will jump on them, so I expect a lot of musical chairs being played out this year with the Uppers. If the ticket office thinks their phone lines were busy last year, just wait. I will probably keep the new set that I bought, ironically without needing even one month of seniority under my belt.

    The other interesting thing this year is going to be the PSL resales. There is no such thing as Upper Deckers not being able to upgrade. They will ALWAYS have the option of upgrading if they want to spend the money the PSLers have shelled out. So there will be a lot of Upper Deckers either bailing completely and watching from home, or bailing by not renewing after they pick up someone's PSL resale. I can imagine a stadium in the future which is not sold out and may never be completely sold out. Hell, it's not sold out now. It surely will never be sold out if our fortune changes.

    My gut tells me to be One and Done. Because I believe the above Upper Deck ticket scenario will definitely play out and there will be beaucoup bailouts, many, many tickets will be available next year on StubHub and/or even individual games offered by the Jets themselves. A SuperBowl win or deep playoff run will temper the lack of UD ticket-buying enthusiasm, but even that will not be enough to offset the flood of bailouts and musical-chair movement, IMO.

    Perhaps the best scenario for an Upper Decker is to bail, then still go to select games by cherry-picking online whenever the urge to go to a game strikes. And just wait. You would have the best of both worlds. You go to the games you can make or want to attend, and you wait until the bloom comes off the rose, which it certainly will. The next round of multiple, back-to-back 4-12 or 6-10 seasons is bound to occur. And when it does, you will see some interesting PSLs for sale that will make your head spin and undo all the injustices committed by the Jets Sales Reps. The buyer will finally be in the driver's seat.
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    227 - I waited anxiously for my seniority day to arrive too, and really felt I could get decent Upper Primes with my 1979 seniority. WRONG. After reading this, and paying attention to these forums I know I should have been able to. The process was not open and honest. These seats were not made available to us. Even Champ, the only one here who got low-row Upper Prime, is on the 10-yard line. Later when PSL prices were slashed, I reconsidered, to get back to my old roof-covered Lower EZ location, but at that point we had to divide up the six seats which would have been shitty. I don't think they even had 4 together. They blew it. Six add'l PSL sales lost.

    I am happy with my location decision, (301, three in row 8, three behind them in row 9) after if I could not get Upper Primes where I wanted them. Financing six PSL's was not an option for me. By "Happy" I mean that each game I am content with the decision to not pay more than anyone else, not the situation. Anyone who's been reading has noticed my posts regarding the parking lots, escalators, concourses etc. which are sadly not even second-rate for what they could have, or even promised to be. Certainly not by new stadium-Super Bowl standards.

    Row 8 in 301 offers a good perspective of the field, and is in the sun, and so far blocked from the wind. That said, the Upper Deck is entirely too high up to be worth the price even at $95. Row 8 is like row 24 in the old stadium. Many here warned of that, and it turned out to be true. Getting in and out is a pain in the ass. These seats are worse than any other seat I've occupied at Giants Stadium or Shea. And do not forget the orange parking pass fiascso - remember how they waited until after ticket checks were due to announce the non-PSL owner fucking? I haven't, and we shouldn't. That was a prime example of their tactics. Luckily, our tailgate crew has had a good time in lot 26 and while the walk is longer, half of it is covered and sheltered from wind and rain. BUT, my seats AGAIN are in the opposite EZ from where I park which is annoying after all these years. Thanks Woody. We haven't met any seat neighbors - they change every game. We certainly knew our row-mates in 122.

    I'll probably stay for one more, but may reduce my account from six to three. Think the $95 will increase in 2011? I have a friend who buys 4-6 games from me every year, but now I'm thinking why should I continue to pay for them and let them take the best games? 227 mentions the "bad" season which surely will have to happen eventually. I don't want to eat these costs at these new prices. Just look at tomorrow night - rain in the forecast. Those upper deck seats are not enjoyable in bad weather. Thanks for the little bit of roof cover Jets/Giants! (I jest of course.)

    Like you 227, I laugh when fans or even Rexy get upset at the empty seats. As if they have a clue. I left my seats FOR THE FIRST TIME at the Vikings game when downpour two began. It just wasn't worth making everyone else I was with sit through it. We made it to the bar for qtr 4. For the costs, and the hassles imposed upon us, I don't blame anyone for doing what they have to do, die-hard or not. The owners were not loyal to us when this stadium was planned, that's for sure. Hell, any old-timers remember that the stadium was half empty when Wesley Walker caught the OT TD against Miami in '86. It's nothing new.

    It might be time to keep my best three, or opt out altogether. I'd then go the "cherry-pick" route and attend half the games. I used to pride myself on the streaks of games I've attended, and have barely missed any since the 70's. I didn't expect they'd force my hand but the day is getting closer. Once I kill the streak it'll become easier to not go.
  6. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I had no seniority at all and managed to get 2 on the aisle in 342 in an upper row (I added them to two PSL seats as extras). I got them very late after someone upgraded after the price drop.

    The view up there is awful and they will not be renewed as there is no "upside" when I have to sell them and SH makes it possible to score extras when I need them.
  7. TOMMY1961

    TOMMY1961 New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    any old-timers remember that the stadium was half empty when Wesley Walker caught the OT TD against Miami in '86. It's nothing new.
    Yeah I do that was my 1st live Jets game. Ileft my seats in the upper deck walked to my car turned on the radio heard the game was tied and going into overtime drove up to the 1st row of parking got out of my walked in and stood in the back of section 137 and watched the jets win 51-45. Then this past Sunday I left my seat in section 224 when houston made the pick then walked down to lower level heard on the piped in radio in the concourse that the Jets are going to be 7 and 3. So it was time to make a pitstop and make a deposit when doing this the Jets drive began and before I knew it the ball was on the 6 yard line. so I just walked into section 137 again this time 24+ years laters and in a different stadium but the same result a JETS win. Where I only witnessed the touchdowns live.

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