Just when you thought you couldn't have enough Jets merchandise, the Jets website is now selling classy Jets wine!!! http://www.newyorkjets.com/fanzone/wine.html I would love to know what jonnyd has to say about this fine vintage.
Wine was invented by The Romans for orgies. But Orgies aren't too much fun when no one wants to make it with you. Sweet Berry Wine!
not even joking, this thread gave me the urge to crack open a bottle of Malbec for some early afternoon drunkage and just did. does that make me a degenerate?
99% of the wine I drink ( which is a lot) is Malbec. My favorite grape by a long shot. As for that Jet Cab. It is made by a good wine maker. But like every Cali cab, its way over priced. I also wouldnt drink it for a nother year or two either.
If by years you mean months? What is the play? I saw the thing on nyjets.com and its been annoying me
Depends on which one. If it was 3414 you deserve a swig. If it was GAAP accounting you deserve a fifth of Goldschlager.
For Jet games I prefer green label JD: Sure, the Jets don't get a piece of this but it's green and gets me a nice buzz for the games, and after.
I'd say the Pats whine the most, just for Brady's whining alone. I never hear the Jet whine, they do talk a lot of shit though.