quick point of reference...not slights against other browns fans, slights against my friends that are browns fans... I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post.
The only ammo U will need will be if the NYJs have more points when the clock reads 00:00 in the 4th qtr :lol:
That's me. I reserve my trash talking until the end of the game. I'm NOT passionate about humble pie or crow so I try and avoid it at all costs.
Save your insults for Steeler fans in December - they, unlike the many loyal Browns fans, deserve your abuse. :steelers:
Not for shit but you need to go and read what you wrote. When your threw doing that then ask yourself what your reaction would be? I have come here for friendly banter and to talk football, you on the other hand want to talk insults. I'm done here with you. Life has taught me many lessons one of which is don't let someone drag you down to their level, they will only beat you with experience once they get you there. In your case I'm done. You fling all the insults you want maybe you think it makes you look cool or inteligent. I don't happen to agree and pretty much refuse to get into a show of stupidity with you your the winner................. BTTB
So comparing a city of 240,000 people with the streets being empty on game day and 8 million people and the streets not being empty proves that Cleveland fans are more passionate? hmm
I'm completely fuckin with you by the way. I like Browns fans. Have no reason not to. I have respect for any REAL fan-base that doesn't abandon their team at the first sign of trouble. We may be good now, but I don't forget where I came from. For the most part the Jets have sucked my whole life. Every time I get into a debate with a Dolphin fan down here if it goes on long enough inevitably two things happen: 1) They get so frustrated that they bring up the Perfect Season. 2) I end up busting out the line "At least you can't call me a fair-weather fan, because I've never had fair weather." Browns fans have the same claim. Real fans are real fans. And you just whooped Belichick's ass so you're double cool in my book. :up:
you could show them these, or at least what they say: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysmLA5TqbIY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM&feature=related
Midwest fans in general tend to be both extremely loyal and classy. Chicago Cubs bleacher bums being the only exception that comes to mind atm. Not because they aren't loyal mind you....just because they are.... Well..... Bums
The muni lot (just ask anyone once your there they'll direct you) is the best place to tailgate. Get there early because they close the lot once it's full. Beer and Bratts, be there like 7am and be ready to party.... I have even heard (don't know it for a fact) there now charging everyone who even wants to enter the lot prior to the games. It's a popular spot for tailgating. all the lots have tailgating though. Enjoy it's great fun. I can't do it with the kids now but the wife and I used to be regulars. BTTB
Oh see I didn't realize you were one of the idiots with the Dawg mask on, now I realize that I did in fact insult you.. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Well when a Browns baby shits him or herself that automatically makes them a bigger fan. So yeah crapping on yourself makes Browns fans inherently bigger. They have been crapped on their entire lives..... First themselves then their team........So yeah they are bigger fans. I am really at a loss for words if you can not see that.