Per Peter King: I think, after talking to the attorney of Jenn Sterger on Sunday, I'd be a little worried about liability in the case of Favre-Sterger if I were the New York Jets. Attorney Joseph Conway and Sterger's manager, Phil Reese, told me that they have retained "a team of former FBI agents" to determine how Favre obtained Sterger's telephone number in 2008 (Jay Glazer reported Sunday on Fox that Favre admitted to the NFL last week that he made phone calls to Sterger, but he did not admit sending her the graphic images via cell phone that have been portrayed as Favre's on Sterger has been adamant that she did not give Favre her phone number. Conway and Reese told me Sunday that they have identified a "person of interest" whom they believe was the conduit who got the phone number to Favre. That person, I am told, may have worked for the Jets in 2008. This is all speculation on my part -- what part of this story isn't speculation? -- but if Sterger wants a career in the media, it would be difficult for her to have a credible one if she is paid off by Favre for her silence. (I should make it clear that Conway told me there have been no settlement discussions with the Favre side.) But if a good attorney could make a case that a Jets employee gave Favre the number, maybe the Jets would be liable for damages based on behavior of that employee, giving out personal phone numbers without someone's knowledge. It will be interesting to watch in the coming days. Read more:
Giving someone a phone number is not illegal no matter what he does with the number. If Brett fuckin Favre asks you for someones phone number you give it to him.
If this crap was so important to her why in the world would she wait 2 years before taking action. I do not see how the Jets can be held liable for anything favre did.
No way Jet Favre would haunt us with his penis. Not this close to Halloween, the night where we try to compensate for the Vikings apparent ineptitude and help them close the gap.
You know the whole story broke over the summer about Jenn Sterger. The Media doesnt say anything until Favre is playing against the Jets. Now, it seems like Farve gets a free pass, and it's coming to the Jets for Legality reasons. Does this make any sense, or does everyone in the media hate the jets?
We've been dealing with the supposed curse of Joe Namath all these years, his deal with the devil or whatever, so I don't think Brett Favre's tiny penis is enough to haunt us.
For the umpteenth time, she didn't wait two years. She never gave any of this to anyone. It was leaked to deadspin by an unnamed third party.