This game is insanely frustrating to watch. You know there is a problem when I EXPECT the dolphins to make 3rd and long every time. I thought we had this almighty defense but every time we face Miami going back to last year they just own us. MAKE ADJUSTMENTS OR LOSE THE DIVISION.
Not our defense. Our rookie corner. Hes playing like a rookie what do you expect. If Revis wasnt hurt fins would be under 9 points right now. Long as Sanchez continues to carry us for the evening I dont mind
now let's watch as miami marches 95 yards for a score here....completing severak 3rd and 15s on the way....
I hope this int doesn't get overturned.....we all know that either way the phins will get a TD....if it's an INT they will do it without running time off the clock....
were dropping 6-7 in the box and bringing the heat but we've only got there like twice and our DB's are just getting beat up, not just Kyle
All of the above not to mention the fact that they are just tired. They've been out there alot tonight.