I'll be the first to admit I don't know the crews like many of the posters here, so thoughts on the officials? * Referee: 99 ? Tony Corrente * Umpire: 29 ? Steve Wilson * Head Linesman: 120 ? John McGrath * Line Judge: 7 ? Ron Blum * Field Judge: 89 ? Craig Wrolstad * Side Judge: Dyrol Prioleau * Back Judge: 126 ? Don Carey
This is what I heard. * Referee: 99 � Tony Corrente- Loves Puppies especially little ones with big eyes. * Umpire: 29 � Steve Wilson - First wife left him for another woman. * Head Linesman: 120 � John McGrath - Is in Tom Brady's pocket. * Line Judge: 7 � Ron Blum- Suspended one time for drug abuse, loves to blow lines. * Field Judge: 89 � Craig Wrolstad - Favorite type of grass is Blue Kentucky. * Side Judge: Dyrol Prioleau - Makes a mean salsa and chips. * Back Judge: 126 � Don Carey - Said on Tuesday that the Dolphins are going to choke Sunday.
How do you rate the crews from last year that officiated the Fins games? Y'know, the ones that the Jets lost.
Speaking of things lost, was Henne able to find the remote between the cushions when the Jets were making their run to the AFC Championship?