Say what you want about this idiot, but he nails everything when it comes to the Jets..
Brandon Funston of Yahoo Sports - Sources tell me Braylon Edwards has been released by the #Jets. Cotchery and Holmes value skyrocket. #FantasyFootball dunno, only 2sources
I guess they are making an example out of him if this is true with all the bad press the past week weeks/months.
This is the weirdest move ever, But it must be because of his comments he gave showing little remorse
dumb move if true. the Jets traded for a guy with a pending 4 game suspension for drugs but this is too much for them?
didn't incarcerated bob say things that have proven false before? couldn't we at least trade for him?
What, they decided to counter a stupid decision with an equally stupid decision? Talk about fighting fire with fire... Hope its not true.
Santonio has been a missing person really since that incident...Aside from that little brush of an incident with his headphones on a plane. I think we saw him on Hard Knocks...Dude is a vocal leader. I guess the team knows that Braylon is immature. A pity if true...It hurts us alot, but as a organization we cant be getting bad press all the time as its being put out there lately
If this is true that's just fucking stupid, at least keep him for the year...dump him at the end. Jesus fuck.
Or atleast dump him on Monday. Not gonna lie, I'm glad someone beat Incarceratedbob on a story though, cause this Yahoo guy tweeted it a while before he did.
I went through a bunch of his tweets. He claimed Jackson was being traded and "Favre" is happy. Also that the Jets were gonna suspend Braylon for one, maybe more games. I call b.s. no way they release him, they want to win..