17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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  2. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    For me, there's not a thing about this new stadium that isn't better than the old stadium. Coming, going, parking, seats, food, bathrooms, jumbotrons...everything is better. We even found that area with the huge screens with the red zone on and caught the end of the 1 o'clock games. I love the place.
  3. TheSnake71

    TheSnake71 Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Um, not BS at all. Why would I lie??

    I was in L, towards lot J. I dont remember if we were near L7, but we were in roughly middle of the lot between the stadium and the main access road from patterson plank.

    I have a picture from our spot showing how crowded it was... but my post count doesnt allow me to post links to it.

    Near as I could tell, lot L was completely packed hours before game time.
  4. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Happy to hear you like it Gator Johnson
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yes, I knew you would love it. I distinctly remember your extreme dislike for the old place. It wasn't upscale enough if I recall, especially the bathrooms, food and concourses. So, it's nice that you like the way this one turned out.

    Personally, I could have done with the old one quite nicely, except for the lettering on the side of the building. I sometimes wish Woody would have called Mara's bluff when Mara and Tisch threatened to build a new stadium themselves and kick us, their tenants, out into the street with no place to go. I would have loved to have seen Woody let him go ahead and do that, and then buy Giants Stadium from the state of NJ and not tear it down. Instead, renovate it, paint it green, put a huge NY JETS on the top of the building and let everyone remain where they are. The sightlines were MUCH better in the old stadium, IMO, but to each his own. I like sightlines and you probably value amenities more.
  6. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Ya know, a lot of the stuff you say is just flat out incorrect. For example, you have probably typed 20 times over the last year how the new place will be all corporate and the crowd won't be into it. The crowd was ROCKING last night. Next, you said a few pages back how the Jets are selling us BS because NO WAY is Sanchez leading us to a Super BOwl. How did Sanchez look yesterday? What if this is the way he plays? Lastly, the stuff about me. I'm a regular guy that got a seat in the lower Level. I'm not some grey poupon eating ahole. You dont know what the fuck you're talking about. My section is right near my lot, the food is way better. The bathrooms ARE closer and cleaner. This thread is about stadium experiences, not YOUR stadium experience only. My experience is better. Yeah, I spent a little money. If that annoys you, tough titty. Stay home with your 50 inch FLAT SCREEN!!!! (like that's something special. Charles Manson probably has a 52 inch flatscreen in jail you clown :)
  7. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO AN OPINION that said the new place is very generic,,, the big screens are nice but if I want to watch a big screen I have a great one in my man cave! The bathrooms are a nitemare--just like the old place------sitelines are WAY WORSE IN THE NEWPLACE no comparison----getting in is a nitemare---getting out is like going back to sleep and revisiting the first bad dream----parking situation is a BAD SITUATION-------The upper deck is soooooooooo steep only a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured, and everytime I walk those steps with my kids or I see an elderly couple I cringe--------one and done!
  8. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    We got to lot L around 11:45 and were able to setup on the median next to the outer access road near L12. Was sparsely populated then, but by 2:30-3:00 it was packed. As far as footballs being tossed, there were plenty.

    The thing that happened to us was we parked in J last time, and did have a fast escape from there, and they wouldn't let us drive over there. So we settled for K. They wouldn't let me park my car next to the curb of the median, so I just parked on the end of the row right close by.

    I did notice that the club parking was sparsely populated, I would say like 50 - 60%, when we walked over to the stadium around 3:15.

    Once again we used the stairs to exit from mezzanine. We sit in Met Life corner, the Ramps look congested, so we kept going the Verizon escalators were packed, and one guy working there was actually point people to use the stairs that are beyond the verizon escalators going toward the great hall.
    #10288 Clayture, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  9. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    This guy gator and everyone else aren't that far apart. I think you're both right. The place is great if your seats are in the lower level, and they suck dick everywhere else, except maybe parts of the Mezz

    If you're in lowers you have great sightlines, there's no maze of escalators to use, the bathrooms and food stands are a million times better

    If you're higher up it takes forever to get out and you can't see shit
  10. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Listen, I am an upper deck guy and I really have no problem with the place. The big screen sure came in handy when they showed the replay of Brodney Pool's interception. The shot was great!

    Once again, I walked down the stairs. I was walking behind an older gentleman with a limp and he seemed to manage without an issue. I exited without a problem and walked outside the stadium to the Verizon gate to parking lot J where my tailgate hangs.

    I really have not had an issue with the bathroom line. Yesterday, there was a stadium employee at the exit making sure everyone entered through the correct door. It moved fairly well. Trick: push to the back corner. Everyone seems to wait near the front.

    I had a great view of the Jason Taylor strip sack. I also was able to see the Braylon Edwards TD in the far corner of the field from me. I am also getting more acquainted with the people in the section around me.

    Brooklyn Lager line was non-existant. Cool beans!

    Really, I'm not complaining about the uppers. That's what I paid for right?
  11. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I have a green parking pass and came in at Paterson Plank road at 2:00PM. I was directed past a half empty Lot G into Lot F. The attendants told me I had the wrong color pass, that lot is for White passes.......

    It isn't just the yellow and orange pass holders that are being screwed. top it off, since I was forced to park in Lot F, I had to exit to the left, towards the Turnpike, when I wanted to go back out the way I came in. I had to do the long loop around Xanax-dau arena.

    They say they are working on it, but I don't see it yet.
  12. biggundewayne63

    biggundewayne63 Active Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    that pepsi max really hit the spot on the way out
  13. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Wasn't too bad, probably taste better when it's on ice.
  14. davecrazy

    davecrazy Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Row 10 in the corner end zone is insane. Welkers TD was right in front of me and Pools INT right down the line (I was screaming HE WAS IN HE WAS IN) was nuts.

    Driving was cake. Right into lot J off 16W around 2:30 and was out of the lot after the game in less then 10 mins.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Gator, you have me confused with someone else. Seriously. I don't think I've over-emphasized the corporate crowd and I certainly never said that the crowd won't be into it.

    Please show me exactly where I said that. Show me now. Today. Otherwise, you're either full of shit or you again have me confused with someone else. Which is it?

    Okay, so you don't eat Grey Poupon. That still makes me half right.
  16. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    227 was a big businessman in Jersey who used to get sponsor seats back in day as he was a player. He has plenty of cash he just has some type of ethical issue with the fact the Jets decided why sell good lower level tickets at $105 to big games and let fans sit in a market value $300 dollar seat for $105 just because they have senority.

    227 is now selling seats over face on this site so he is ok in certain cases to charge a premimun but not when Jets do it. Classic compartmentalization syndrome.

    227 still has a long way to go in catching up to me in contradictions. I am by far the leader in contradictions. I feel proud that I have inspired him into his new career, I can't wait to go to www.227jetstickets.com next year to get my seats when the jets are hot and I need to pick up extra seats as I only have a pair in my name.

    As a mentor to countless young people embarking on their career I often advise do not focus on what you can't change but focus on what you can change. Complaining about UD parking in Pepsi corner is like complaining about the weather (thank you Will Rodgers). Just move to a new corner, and move on. 227 has 8 seats and two parking passes so he is way way way bigger a customer than 99% of people on this site plus a 20 year plus fan. Couple beers and a nice gift basket to Jets and he could sit anywhere in stadium. You can use your forehead to hammer in a nail but a hammer is a lot easier. It's Go Tiime.
  17. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Here's the Sanchez one for starters.....

    This whole new stadium thing has been one huge shill. Mark Sanchez right on down... all designed to ramp up the expectations. Rex Ryan running around telling everyone we're going to win the SB. Fucking laughable... and you of all people have fallen for it hook, line and sinker

    Don't have time for the other ones. They are there though.
  18. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I hate Pepsi. No Coke or Coke Zero in the stadium is brutal.
  19. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Diet Pepsi & Diet Coke is just as good to me. I can't stand regular pepsi or coke it tastes disgusting after you've gotten used to diet
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This Thread Lives On

    17a's thread has been invaluable to many Jets fans. He started it with New Stadium pictures and it evolved into so much more. From discussing seniority calls in the spring of 2009 to debating whether or not to pay a PSL to actually helping guys select their seats, many, many Jets fans received a lot of good information that helped them make their own individual decisions.

    And it still evolves today, in the aftermath of the construction, with discussions concerning the good and bad of the new stadium, its flaws (and there are many) and current problems encountered by fans going to the stadium and what can be done about them. And discussions will continue concerning these flaws and the PSLs, particularly as the PSL resales come on the market in March of 2011.

    And I've probably got at least as many posts in this thread as 17a or anyone else (perhaps more), and every one of my posts has been anti-PSL. That's right. Every one. That's my position. Many people agree with that position but many don't. Fine. But for those who don't, don't get annoyed if I continue to hammer away at PSLs and the new stadium flaws as well, like parking and escalators. This thread will continue whether you guys like it or not. If it's so annoying to you to read this thread, maybe you shouldn't visit it at all. Just pay your Jets invoice and be happy.

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