We are 1-1 lets not be stupid now. Remember being 3-0 last year then being 4-6. Not saying we are going to collapse but if you thinjk we are not going to lose a single game when we still have to play at foxboro and have teams like the packers and texans coming in your just being what i hate about all the new bandwagon jets fans.
And the winner for most annoying bandwagon and least knowledgeable 12 year old jet fan goes toooooooooooo....rex2009, unanimously. Not to mention most pointless thread ever. Please lock this mindless spew and delete thread. $50 on full tilt poker for whoever bans this retard.
as trolling as it sounds, he's a fellow jets fan. I don't get the hatred towards someone making a bold, baseless prediction based on faith alone. He may be a fruitcake, but he's our fruitcake (Jets fan).
There's a difference between Jet fans with something meaningful and knowledgeable to say, and bandwagon 12 year old fans who can't say a word without sounding like an idiot and making Jet fans look like the same old dumb asshats who don't know shit about football. You know those select idiot Dolphin and Patriot fans that say something retarded, and someone posts it on here and we all make fun of them, generalizing it as a larger percentage of their fanbase? Guess what, that is what rex2009 is here.
I was coming from that school of thought, that he was a kid just extremely happy right now. Plenty of HS kids I knew growing up were always bandwagon fans so I'm sure this kid knows plenty of Pats fans. I think his enthusiasm is funny and a nice shot of sunshine. lol
He claims to be a highly succesful adult who was a fan during the Namath years. So he's either a complete liar(likely) or just an idiot(also likely)