Mark is currently being interviewed on the Michael Kay show. Says that everything that caused the loss is fixable for next week.
Sanchez taking the blame. Admits the Pats game is huge and says the Jets have good chance to come out with a victory.
oh thank God he says everything is gonna be OK. Did Kay ask him if hes ever gonna show even the slightest bit of improvement or is he just a BUST?
He sounds very positive. Recognizes he needs to do a better job. Talking about how alot of guys made mistakes that are all correctable. Good Stuff !
January was a decent improvement with big rund from shonn and Brad Smith picking up the tough first downs. Gotta be worried about Sanchez right now
When does he ever say anything different? I would prefer he just do what he is paid many millions of $$$$ to do rather than just spout an endless stream of niceties.
"I'm thinking about seeing Rock of Ages at least one more time before it closes then maybe going back to see Memphis a fourth time." JK...I'm not listening.
Why are you worried about a second year QB who played one full year of college ball and is looking a bit shaky now? Seriously, whether or not Sanchez is going to be great or even good QB is an open question at this point, but given the background the odds on him being either of those on a consistent basis this season were about 1%. Go look up Troy Aikman and Terry Bradshaw. 7 Super Bowl wins between them and both blew chunks in their first and second seasons and both already had the offensive line in place. Aikman was 7-19 in his first 26 starts. Bradshaw threw 46 interceptions in 26 games his first 2 years. Look at John Elway. Terrible first season in which he kept getting yanked out of games, followed by an ok second season and then he regressed his third season. People singled him out as the reason the Broncos weren't winning Super Bowls. Phil Simms started right off the bat and looked really iffy. He was injury prone also and yet somehow the Giants went to two Super Bowls with him, although he was hurt for one of them. If you start right away things usually look dicey for awhile that's just the way it goes.
Exactly...couldn't have said it better myself. Cracks me up that people don't think quarterbacks need time to develop in the NFL.
Great Post............ I have said this in other threads..... Last year they didn't expect him to know shit. They are putting so much on his plate as far as reads, progressions,protections etc.etc. and it showed against arguably the best defense over the last decade. Sanchez looked lost. That is to be expected when a QB, a sophomore, has to apply all the shit swimming in his head in real time, against players looking to take his head off. The game is going to slow down for him again. This time when it does he is going to know what protection to use against a particular defense or what his progressions are etc. etc. Unfortunately, it may take 8+ games and that isn't going to sit well with an impatient fan base.
I think this comment is a bit off base. Sanchez is not a superstar at this point in his career, not even close, but I think he works hard to improve himself and his team. He did take us pretty far last season. Getting to the AFC Championship Game is a pretty nice accomplishment for a Rookie QB in the NFL. He had a rough game last night, but it makes no sense to endlessly beat the guy up about it. He needs to bounce back and have a good solid performance against the pats. Dwelling on the negative isn't gonna get that done. So I think his positive attitude and good work ethic are positives - not something to sit there and bash him for. Mark Sanchez is our guy we need to support him.
"You do know all athletes and coaches are coached on what to say to the media, right?" Especially after getting your ass handed to you and looking like a lost Pee Wee Leaguer out there.
They do? Nah, old wives tale. I expect every rookie QB, who played 16 games in college to be at least a semblance of 12 year vet Peyton...
Great post. Look at Eli Manning right now. I have a friend that still rags on me to this day because I wanted Eli cut after the week 16 win over Buffalo in 2007. Then next week he played the Pats and had his best game of the season in a losing effort. Then he played the Bucs and their #1 pass defense. He took what them gave him, lead the team on several long drives, and threw 2 TDs. You know the rest. I know his is an extreme example, but it shows that QBs need time to develop. Some need more than others. There were many people, myself being one of them, that were ready to give up on him prior to the 2007 playoff run. Don't write off Sanchez yet. He needs to improve, but he still has time to do that.
This thread sucks. Not the fact that Sanchez was on ESPN but that people are calling him a bust or too inconsistent to ever be great. What did Sanchez even do wrong yesterday? Its not his fault there were drops by Cotch, dumb ball movement by Keller and Greene dropping a wide open pass to him. He had 14 attempts all game called by our genius OC who has failed to ever put together a decent offense (except for the Favre year, but Favre called the shots then). I wish the Phins took him as their HC a few years back. Schotty needs to go. He's been decent at best and terrible at worst.
What did he do wrong, you could see in his eyes, body language, footwork and everything else about him last night that he was scared of the Baltimore Ravens, scared to make a mistake and basically scared to have the ball in his hands... That's got a lot to do with Shotty, but to me it's alarming that he looked to be playing scared... That can not happen if he is to be a franchise QB.
I really think they drilled check down in him to the point where playing scared was natural. Huge fuck up by the CS. Let the kid gain confidence. Its all about confidence right now.