for the few bucks stealthshot's streams was worth it last year. I'm planning to sign up again this year
Ha Ya I thought I was one of the few. Good to know about Nu Yalk, I'll have to check that out this year. Thanks
Im in Plattsburgh, NY . fuckin sucks because im up here for college. I guess ima be at sports bars for week 2, 4,6 i guess
Just to let you know Guys, the Link i posted and "gustoonarmy" posted is now Live. Its showing the end of the Saints game, then the Jets game will take over. Enjoy
FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK IM SO PISSSEDD OFFF I move into my college today SUNY Plattsburgh, and guess fucking what? NO FUCKIN JETS GAME ON TV. ughhhhhhhhhhhh. This sucks. Im here for the next 4 years. At least this season we have 5 primetime games, but what about years when we dont? ughhhh. HOpefully this is just a glich or some shit. FML FML I couldve sworn i checked the NFL Broadcasting map and they showed the Jets broadcasting in this area.
whats stealth shots broadcast on? and how much does he charge? and how good is the quality? im pretty desperate righht now
This is my first time watching online and WOW the quality of the stream is excellent. Only thing I don't like is an annoying banner at the top the screen that I can't get rid of.