I think there are some legitimate concerns in the article. Sure, it may be good business for the Jets, but it isn't good people. Manish was merely linking the way the Jets organization is treating its players and fans. I want the Jets organization to properly treat the players who play good and the fans should be treated well too. I'd rather not root for a football team that doesn't treat its players and fans with respect. If it it means losing that then fuck a championship.
I'm curious if Brick has an insurance policy (paid for by the Jets???) that covers the full value of his contract in case he gets injured? I have heard of such things in the past.
So he can say he's the highest paid offensive lineman in the league... I think the article was extremely interesting at the end though. They are uncertain about 2011 which is why they can't commit their money to revis, harris, mangold but theyre saying to the fans theyre not worried about 2011 and will take our PSL money
Basically the company line is that they fully expect football in 2011 they just have no idea how the CBA will look. I have no idea if they actually do expect football but that is their reasoning right now.
who is upset? i think a lot of us are surprised at what the deal actually looks like but the jets have him locked up long term with plenty of flexibility. i don't think anyone is upset about that.
I think in a way it shows Brick's confidence, and his loyalty to the team. Also the loyalty he expects from the Jets.
I thought it was a great move!! I also think everyone needs to suck it up and get paid less like the pats do so they can build a long term successful team and keep all the stars they have aka holmes and edwards, revis and cro, harris and the rest who will be up at the end of the year.
D'Brick signed on the dotted line. He'll be a Jet for the next decade barring serious injury. That's all there is to this.
Heh, not only do Jets fans think Brick got screwed but apparently Revis' manager too: http://www.ganggreennation.com/2010/7/11/1564367/revis-manager-apparently-upset
Geiger needs to shut the fuck up. There isn't really too much he's doing to help Revis out right now.
Most NFL contracts never make it to the later years, whether it' because the player doesn't perform, outperforms or he gets restructured to a more cap-friendly number, and this is common knowledge to both sides of the negotiating table... but those later years inflate the overall contract number. It's an ego boost to the players to get the 'richest contract in NFL history' but most of those players don't collect on all or even most of that total contract number most times. And if you add all of the ridiculous incentives in Brick's contract, it adds up to an impressive number. The casual fan today thinks that Brick is now the highest-paid NFL lineman. Because they read it on the scroll on ESPN.
I can't wait until about three or four years from now when Brick's contract needs to be renegotiated and the board fills up with people complaining about the fact that he is the highest-paid NFL lineman.