Funny stuff- If you feel inclined to vote and can't make up your mind please go ahead and vote A-Team. (my entry)
I voted for you, not because you asked but because it was by far the best one. Good job, do you win anything?
LOL- I love the Denver Bronco one, it's so bad it's good- I think a hat is won or Jets Kvetch shirt or something like that. Thanx for the votes-
I voted A-Team because as was said, it was the best by far. Amityville Horror and She Beard were okay, but the rest just weren't good. A-Team was the only one that made me actually laugh though, and I think it was because of Sanchez. Well done.
I like yours, and I also think the 300 one is done incredibly well. Most of them are really awful and cant be considered 'photoshopping' at all, to be honest.