Fuck that. Having lost family members to cancer fuck that. What is the problem with trying to raise awareness and money for the worst disease on Earth? I bet you hate the Padres camo unis honoring the miltary.. Westboro Baptist Church is looking for new recruits.
pretty much yeah..... Although I would add Auto-Immune diseases to the mix..... as I have witnessed their destruction first hand as well as cancer.
I know I said I was leaving this alone, but I just can't take the defamatory attacks. Did you read anything I wrote above this post? I'm guessing not. The BC cause is clearly a worthwhile one, and my argument is not about supporting BC awareness. I support BC awareness! I've supported it personally with actions, not just words, so enough with the slandering! My point was only that I don't see how wearing the gear helps any more than a million other ways the league can raise awareness. That's all. But hey, continue reading into something that's not there. Unjust, righteous defamation sure can be gratifying. Right? F*** that. [YOUTUBE]lRtUv97YFco[/YOUTUBE]
How many times did we wear the throwback uniforms last year? Seemed like damn near 1/2 the games (over-exaggerated, I know). The regular uniforms are almost becoming the throwbacks. I've got no problem with throwback uniforms, but do it once a year.
Thursday Night Football is here to stay, I hope. I love it. Throwbacks suck 99% of the time. Warren Sapp doesn't bother me. Flyovers, who cares... Pink, who cares...
The reason they make it mandatory, is because of ho-dink redneck sad sacks like you, who get annoyed by it, and to find out why, they google it. So the interest increases and because of that, ad revenue increases. You are pathetic. You are simple minded. Stop crying over something that only a select few pathetic people are upset about. 99% of earth thinks you're an idiot and have no clue how reality works, outside your special little room.
WTF? They had 60 minutes to win a fucking game. If you can't do it in 60 then you take your chances on the coin toss.
the rule on favre should be that players have 2 weeks after the season to either formally retire or declare there intentions to play to there team and if they retire after committing they are fined an unspecificed amount and not allowed to return to the league for a period of like 5 yrs
Pink cleats raise money to save boobs. How can any self-respecting man have a problem with that? Save the boobs! :up:
There's only two I have an issue with.... Charging full price for preseason games... ridiculous. As a former season ticket holder (not for the Jets) it's ridiculous to charge me 100 bucks a seat for a game that only the starters are going to play for maybe 30% of. If you wanna charge non season ticket holders thats fine but as a seaon ticket holder they should be free. Get rid of the halftime interview.... I don't need to see Pam Oliver ask Wade Phillips what the Cowboys need to do better in the 2nd half. I like the pink cleats and gloves, it's for a fantastic cause and the more players who CHOOSE to wear it beyond the one week are doing a great service to friends and family who may suffer from this horrible diesease. If you take issue with it I hope you don't ever have a family member that has to suffer with it because you may have a different opinion of it if you do. Don't ask me about how much I donate to it but just know I do more then donate money to the Susan G Komen Foundation.
How do the pink cleats and gloves contribute to breast cancer research? Do they sell them after the games as memorabilia? I guess if thats the case, I'm okay with it. If its just a symbolic gesture to "raise awareness" or some other PC bullshit, its pretty stupid. Like those Memorial Day caps all MLB teams wear "to support the troops." The downtrodden and afflicted truly care about and are affected by the bumper stickers you put on your car.
if nobody cared about raising awareness nobody would know anything about it. any kind of awareness that can be raised is positive. so i guess by that thought process advertising is stupid too? i think the advertisers would disagree, after all tehy are paying tons of money to raise your awareness of their brand.
The pink gear is one of the nice things that the league has going. Any amount of awareness they can raise for cancer is a step in the right direction.
Seriously. They're making it seem like you're calling breast cancer a bullshit cause. If the players choose to wear pink every game for the cause, it's fine by me. But it looks a bit ridiculous for grown men playing a physical sport to be donning pink accessories all month. I'd be willing to bet the people calling foul on dthomas about the breast cancer thing are the same people who donate $20 to charity then go and tell every person they know so people think highly of them. Now, before I get crucified.. breast cancer is tragic. I lost three close family members from breast cancer. Let's not go and parade about saying pink cleats = an extra million dollars funding for research though.
gotta say, i am pretty flabbergasted at the responses like this that dthomas has been getting. chill out guys. he likes the jets jerseys. he likes to root for the image of the Jets he loves. that doesn't mean he thinks recognition to breast cancer isn't deserved. seriously, calling him a "scumbag" and "pathetic" is making you guys look way more like jackasses than his comment did.