Agreed. It wasn't until faneca came in that he really progressed. Not saying it was just faneca but it took him a couple of years to develop. People forget there were a lot of questions about brick. No one ever threw abojt the bust tag but those first 2 years everyone had it in the back of their head he might only be an above average player. d'brick is in a way different situation. revis, Harris and mangold didn't get these phat rookie deals and all 3 of those guys were pretty much studs from day 1. Mangold deserves big money. He should be priority #1. Best center in the game and has been incredibly healthy. If they pay him brown money so be it. IMHO that contract the rams gave him ain't so bad. just close the deal
So instead of Rex going to bat for him last year for DPY, he should've said nothing. So he said they're going to call me the best but not pay me like it? When it comes down to it Woodson won DPY, and he's not crying for a new deal. Woodson made 6.5 last year, so why isn't he asking for a 10 million dollar raise?? I love Revis but he's being greedy- If he wants to be paid like the best CB he can take Woodson's contract.
Man...some very good posts in here. All I will say is, at some point, you have to look at the contract this guy wants and understand that no great team can afford to pay a player this amount of money and still field another 21 solid starters around him...never mind some other stars sprinkled in there. To the posters that say that this guy made our defense the number 1 defense in the league, thats true..but with a big BUT....BUT...we relied him so much because we couldnt get a pass rush from anywhere on this defense. Great defenses usually are created through a pass rush...which makes the rest of the defense better than it really is. Good db's become very good. Weaknesses, even small ones are covered up. Saying Revis, a cornerback on one side of the ball, makes this defense great....well...the Colts showed that a great offense will find the weaknesses eventually. Paying Revis, Mangold, Dbrick, Harris..etc...with Revis breaking the bank, will only guarantee that the rest of the team will suffer down the road. The only reason the Jets have been able to bring in big names this year is because they are either in the last year of their contracts or on the wrong side of their prime. Eventually the piper has to be paid...and Revis demands could hurt this team dramatically in the not to distant future. If Tanny..and Rex with his mouth, cant sit down and tell him that any team that pays him Raider money will become....the Raiders and that if he wants to win a championship he can only become one of the top 3 players paid at his hurts but...adios.
the jets edited the presser... also the jets need to sit down the core four and speak to all of them as once and maybe if they realize that taking less money means the all can stay they will do that because that gives the team the best shot to win.
Don't rule out a contract like Haynesworth got that looks huge on the surface but isn't what it seems. Like 8 years/128 million but in reality its a 4 year, 52 million dollar contract with 30 million guaranteed that is voidable after the 4th year and is heavily backloaded. That way him and his agent can say they got the highest contract and all that, but in reality he's playing for something closer to what the Jets want.
Exactly, we can say what we want about Tom Baby, but he has a 8 million dollar salary for the betterment of his team. It's obvious what certain players care about, Tom wants to be one of the greats while Revis just seems to want to be one of the richest. Could you imagine?? What Revis wants would be almost triple of what Tommy boy makes.
It's understandable that Revis would want to be the highest paid corner in the league. It's also understandable the Jets are looking to make the best deal for the team but it's getting to the the point where the organization is being viewed as one that doesn't take care of their players. I don't care how much fun it is to play for a coach like Rex at the end of the day it's still a business and I can see this being a factor in the future with FA's. We were all worried that the locker room chemistry would be damaged by all the new faces replacing the popular vets but I think this contract shit is whats going to fuck with this team and may do severe damage to our big dreams for this season.
I'd be much harder on Revis about this if it was the first time the organization has had a contract dispute with a player. It just seems every year there are players that say they were promised things and that the Jets lowballed them and basically did nothing they said they would do. The front office has to take a hit on this one too. I feel like neither side is right and neither side is wrong. I just hope it gets worked out in a reasonable fashion.
I love Revis as a player but off the field he is a greedy bastard. He is a cut throat kind of person. I really dislike him off the field because of this. I understand its business but he would abandon the Jets in a heart beat if another team offered him more than Jets. Says something about his character.
Got news for you.. that goes for 99.9% of the players in the league. And honestly, I can't say I blame them. They have a limited window to get paid as much as they possibly can. I mean, for example, I work for a finance company in Midtown. If another company who does the same exact thing my company does, offered me a position to do the same exact work, and offered me 20% more to do it, there is an extremely high chance I would accept the offer. Who wouldn't?
After watching Revis in that press conference, I now believe this will be a problem either way it plays out. If Revis gets the big contract he is after, the Jets will lose other valuable player(s) in the near future which would hurt the overall team. If he doesn't get his contract, don't expect Revis to be a Jet for his entire career. "The NFL is making money", Revis said. The dude is really after his numbers. He is adamant about being the highest paid corner back in the league and stated it many times in the video. I stand by the idea that Revis deserves to be a top paid cb, but not at $16-17 Million. Revis has had one superstar year at cb and wants to get paid like he has been doing it for a career. Dude doesn't even touch the ball more than 10 times a game. This will not bode well. If the Jets pay the man, expect Harris, Mangold and D'Brick to be licking their chops. You guys better hope Rex doesn't start bigging up these players as demi-gods as he did with Revis.
Not only would it be smart to take that offer but nobody would call you a greedy bastard for it. It's difficult as fans to take the emotion out of what is otherwise standard operating procedure in the rest of the business world.
Couldn't agree more. And as soon as a player underperforms or gets injured, we can't get them out the door fast enough and get their non-guaranteed contracts off the team's books. What happened with Leon Washington is a major killer because these guys all supposedly liked Leon as a person and watched him wait for a big contract, get injured, and get shipped out of town.
Completely agree. If he won't play for anything less than 16mil than he does not care about the Jets competitiveness going forward. If we traded him (could get two 1sts and then some), signed Cromartie (reasonable contract) and have Wilson, signed Mangold, D'Brick & Harris - to me that's worth more than Revis being here, not signing Cromartie, and only signing one of the other 3. And that's what it would probably result in.
You didn't have to post that you disregarded my input, you know? You could've just kept it to yourself. Since the topic is Revis, what do you feel about what I posted?
Yup. And if this is your run you trade him straight up for Nnamdi. The Raiders will take 3 years for one. You throw in a clause about having his rights revert if they trade or renegotiate before the rookie deal is up, (obviously the Raiders will take that, because it gives them a built in excuse)
Revis also said he's not angry and he has no ill feelings toward the organization. When asked about him missing time at ota's, he said "It's negotiating". I think that's all that all of this is... Negotiations. It's June. It's a back and forth process. When push comes to shove, I truly believe Revis will sign a big contract and be a Jet for life. Or at least until he gets old and ineffective or injured and the team releases him with no further compensation.
On the other hand, no one is offering you that job with that huge paycheck, you're just demanding that your current employer gives you that 20% rise (20%? 50%? 80%?) because some idiot is paying that absurd money to someone else in another company; and if you're doing it even knowing that in doing so your company might lose a couple of really important managers... ...that's where I'd say things are way different between both cases. (Not to mention that you're still under contract and can't just walk out of the door). --- I just don't understand Revis. Revis is the one who shouldn't want things to get ugly in this negociation because he has no leverage.