Possibility of Jets blackout on local TV

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, May 13, 2010.

  1. milo

    milo Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Yeah that would really be a shame for you guys. As a Jet fan stuck behind enemy lines in South Florida I've had more than my fair share of live-stream games to deal with. For the most part they are pretty good, so at least there's a fallback option. Still I hope this doesn't happen. Not really looking forward to spending every game-day morning getting my New York, technologically clueless family members set up on streams.
  2. Docny1975

    Docny1975 New Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    Didn't because we get both teams in this new stadium not get any money from the state? Just the NFL. I wish we got the stadium on West Side the only problem I had with it was what about all the tailgaters. I've never been to one but I like to think that they're an integral part of the fans experience.
  3. FazeOne17

    FazeOne17 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Im not a doctor or anything, but im pretty sure 10+40+40= 90...so i think your missing 10% somewhere
  4. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    The whole idea of blacking out games not sold out was to encourage ticket sales back in the day. That said, it's a far different situation now that two teams have blown through decades of waiting lists in one market because they've priced their tickets way too high. The fans shouldn't have to miss the games on TV because of that, so we'll see what the NFL does if this comes to fruition.

    The Jets still seem to think people have more money than they have--I just paid off the last of my upper deck seats with no PSL and they've been bugging me for the past month as if I have the money handy and just declined to send it in. Even upstaris with no PSL I'm laying out almost $500 for tickets and parking to two pre-season games which mean nothing and won't even have the real players playing in them. I'm very interested to see what the Jets do with the "good" seats that are still unsold. If they go bargain basement to avoid a blackout this will be my last year paying full price for the 10 games and I'll go back to the secondary market. Fuck the pre-season and fuck the rain, I'll probably even end up in better seats.
  5. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Jonathon: Welcome to the New York Jets online chat. How can I help you today?

    ME: Why are there going to be blackouts?

    Jonathon: We will not have blackouts

    ME: Well why did Woody Johnson threaten that to the media yesterday? What's that all about?

    Jonathon: That is not true, we will not have blackouts

    ME: So Woody Johnson is a liar?

    Jonathon: no he is not he never said that

    ME: Yeah, he did, I will find you a link. It was published in the paper this morning.

    Jonathon: As a fan myself I can appreciate your concern. I will say we have heard rumors but do not believe everything you read in the paper, and once again I ensure you we will not have blackouts

    ME: "Johnson also told The Post that he will refuse to lift the hugely unpopular PSLs for the unsold lower-bowl sea s on a game-by-game basis just to avoid blackouts this fall"
    ...well whatever the case...when the owner of the team is saying this sort of thing, it's either an extremely unclassy scare tactic to seel PSLs which are just a money grab anyway, or it's a serious threat

    So I imagine you've been instructed to tell people there will be no blackouts. And I imagine those instructions originally came from him. Not only is Woody Johnson double dipping by charging fans of his franchise for a PSL and a season ticket, he's lying to us with threats of blackouts to make us buy them. It ain't right Jonny.

    Jonathon: We will not sell Individual games, and we will not have blackouts. Period. I do appreciate your concern on those two issues.

    ME: OK, well I am gonna hold you to it. And if there's a blackout this season I'll give Ol' Woody a call and tell him Jon told me there wouldn't be blackouts. no.....promised me

    Jonathon: Thank you.

    ME: You're welcome?

    Jonathon: Have a great week, Go JETS!

    ME: Yaaaay!
  6. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Multiple Jets Beat Writers are reporting that the articles about games being 'blacked out' are total nonsense.

    Jets' PSL sales won't prompt TV blackouts

  7. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Are people complaining that they may possibly no longer get entertainment for free?
  8. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    CBS would help pay the difference also. they couldnt afford to lose ratings. it wont happen.
  9. wa2k99

    wa2k99 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Geez, am I relieved to live in Chicago and watch this team. But I still feel brutal about this.
  10. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Your example of the Giants selling their seats is not in the proper context due to the fact that the Giants were selling many of their seats a $1,000 PSL while the cheapest PSL available for the Jets is $5,000. People aren't made of money, and as pointed out in the article the upper deck isn't an unlimited resource either. I personally don't know anyone who can afford to shell out $5,000 for the "right" to buy tickets. While I agree with you that PSLs were inevitable, I believe there's a line between profit and rape... the Giants are going the profit route, the Jets are going the rape route.

    In a way I'm glad Woody's schemes are failing right now. I dropped my tickets because of the prices and I'm glad people aren't turning over their hard earned money for some bullshit profiteering scheme. I'm excited for this season more than any other, but not to the point where I'm willing to mortgage my future to Woody Johnson.

    If the Jets allow the games to black out, then they (the organization and Woody Johnson) can seriously go **** themselves.
  11. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    You guys are getting worked up over nothing. There's no way this happens. With all the primetime games the NFL gave us this year, and the general perception that we're a team people want to see, why the fuck would we be blacked out? I could've sworn last year when all the Jaguars bullshit was going on I saw something that said the NFL would never black out the 2 NY teams.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There are a few things that really need to be said about this situation that are obvious and that preclude the likelihood of the Jets being blacked out for more than a small number of games, maybe as a token nod of respect to the NFL policy followed by one of the logical workarounds proposed above.

    First, and most importantly, the Jets can't afford to be blacked out in the tri-state area for very long. The games are the team's best advertising to future buyers of tickets, season and otherwise, and they can't afford to keep young and impressionable consumers from being exposed to their product while it is at the current high quality level.

    One of the big reasons they Jets are having trouble selling their product now is that a lot of us long-term fans lived through decades of dreck teams when we were younger and as a result don't see the Jets as a good investment when the price gets as high as it has gotten recently. My nephew Nick is 9 years old and he's the kind of fan they want to make sure gets to see the games the Jets put on next year because in a couple of decades he's the guy who will be buying tickets to the Jets if he likes what he sees now or sitting on his couch and watching them if he doesn't like what he sees, or maybe just not watching them at all if he doesn't have the opportunity to form the attachment now.

    Secondly, the assumptions the Jets made about the value of their tickets were based on calculations made in a time in which the economy was booming. We're in a deep recession now and the odds are overwhelming it will be a double-dipper before it's done. There's no way in hell the Jet's PSL's are worth what they thought they were worth 2 years ago. It's not even in the realm of possibility and that's true even if the Jets win a Super Bowl or two in the next few years. Bubble America was a great time to be a seller of just about anything - you could ask your price and odds were really good you'd find a buyer. America moving forward just isn't going to be a seller's paradise. We're very likely to be living in deflationary times in which the buyers will have all of the power. So prices on everything are going to drop, in some cases through the floor. Cars in eastern CT are selling for about 65% of what they were selling for in the spring of 2008. You have to really bargain hard but in the end they will not let you walk off the floor if there's a sale to be made and 15k cars are selling for 10k pretty regularly. When inventories drop that will change some but they're never going to be restocking their inventories to the level they were accustomed too just 2 years ago.

    Thirdly and lastly, the Jets tickets and PSL's are only worth what they can sell them for. This is the golden rule that will over-ride all the BS in the end and prevent blackouts. You can't squeeze blood out of a stone and the Jet's policy of allowing the holders of more expensive tickets to over-ride the rights of season ticket holders in lower-priced seats was absolutely insane. They've literally priced a substantial portion of their season ticket holders out of the market for tickets. The guys who might have been able to afford the more expensive PSL's were allowed to snap up the cheaper ones and the people who would have remained in their seats at the cheaper ones can't afford to buy now. What a total mess.

    Anyway, I'd be shocked if more than three Jets games were balcked out before a permanent resolution of the problem was found. Really if it gets to three games the Jets have made an enormous mistake that will take decades to recover from.
  13. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    The only $1000 PSL for the Giants was in the upper deck which didn't have a PSL for the Jets. The rest of their PSLs range from $4000 to $20,000, pretty much the same as the Jets.

    Not sure where you got this Jets are raping their fans nonsense from, while what the Giants are doing is ok.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The Giants are a historically successful team with substantially greater brand value via their Super Bowl wins in 1986, 1990 and 2007 and their appearance in 2000. The Jets are a better team right now (I think) but the Giants have had the better brand loyalty over the last 3 decades by virtue of their success on the field.

    I suspect that we're at a tipping point at the moment in the relation of the value of the two franchises. For the first time the Jets are theoretically on a revenue neutral standing with the Giants, since they are a co-equal partner in the new stadium, and the team looks more solid on the field and likely to produce better results over the next 2 to 3 seasons. I wouldn't be surprised if the Jets were widely seen as the more valuable of the two franchises, and possibly even having more value for the fan dollar at the end of that period. Forbes has the Jets and Giants both listed at the same value for the first time as of Sept 2009.
  15. ChuckUp

    ChuckUp Member

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Screw it, just listen to the game on the radio!
  16. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Probably from Francesa.
  17. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    Thank God I live in CA, far away from the local market....

  18. GreenHornet27

    GreenHornet27 New Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    I know, I know. I was only born there, and spent every summer along the Jersey coast from the age of 5 to 23, and I went to Rutgers University for my first two years in undergrad before transferring to St. John's. I guess all that experience really doesn't allow me to comment on the "great" state of New Jersey.

    Jersey Shore is ridiculous to say the least, and not all the characters are from N.J. Some of them were from CT, NY and LI. So those types can be found all over. But that show has nothing to do with my opinion or why I feel the way I feel about jersey. One word for you my friend that will some it up nicely. Pineys.
  19. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Does anybody know what the AVERAGE NY Jets ticket will sell for in the new 82,500 seat stadium ? How much in ticket revenue ONLY will the Jets rake in per game from the 82,500 ?
  20. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    The major problem is this: the Jets fan base is in Eastern NY City and Long Island and the Giants fan base is right there in New Jersey.

    If the stadium were located in Queens or Long Island, I guarantee you that they both would probably have only a few thousand PSL's left. Probably each the same, the proximity to the Jets base helping them while the Giants longevity in the area would offset the move away from their fanbase.

    Jets have the shorter longevity fanbase, worse recent performances going back a few decades (no Super Bowls), and moved away from Long Island/Queens.

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