Back then everything was in black and white as they could not afford colour, so it was all shades of grey.
Anyone who saw the movie Pleasantville knows that life itself was in black and white back then. :wink:
Back then green fabric could not be produced. This is why soldiers in World War I had to tape pieces of leaves and grass to their clothing to be used for camouflage.
It wasn't just green, it was all colours, if you watch the movie "Its a Wonderful Life" or any other really old film you will see what I mean. Colour as we now know it was invented by scientists in around 1960 under the influence of psychadelic substances that allowed them to "see" 'colour' for the first time.
The Titans jerseys are actually nice jerseys, even by today's standards. I just like the Jets jerseys much better. Anyway, yeah, Philly's are horrible.
Nobody is making any money off the crap the Packers are wearing today because nobody would buy that shit. I am looking forward to the Bucs today - classic.
Those Packers jerseys are BRUTAL!!! I appreciate the love for old school, but damn. Loving the Bucs orange and white uni's though.
The Packers oldies are awful, but the Eagles throwbacks are worse. Every team should take their throwbacks and throw them away. :smile:
Some are good. I greatly prefer the Bills, Falcons, Patriots, Vikings and Bucs throwbacks over their regular unis.
I generally agree except for the Bucs. Those old Dream Cycle orange uni's were terrible. The Bills should make their throwback uni their permant uniform and throw away their new uni's. :wink:
Dan Patrick commented that Donald Driver was looking like Don Hutson today. Well, Hutson never actually wore the uniforms that today's Packers throwbacks were based upon.