Who is you favorite Jets player ever and Why? Personally mine is Wayne Chrebet. He is a classy guy who was not afraid to risk his own well-being to better the team. He is the perfect character and team guy.
my favorite current Jet is ERIC BARTON. My favorite ex Jet is VICTOR GREEN and CHRIS HAYES!! my favorite Yankee ever is ROBERTO KELLEY my favorite Met ever is KEVIN MITCHELL
Me, too. I would take Brooks Bollinger second, and not just to piss off some people around here. I like the kid's moxie. Jonathan Vilma is a solid choice, too. I can't think of anyone in the Jets' D nearly as worth cheering over as him.
Favorties are Chrebet & Martin! (I can't choose one over the other) both are hard workers & team players, Chrebet could catch anything thrown his way while getting drilled & Curtis never gives up! I've met both on several occasions and both treated me with respect and even took the time to BS with me for a few minutes!
My first Jets Hero was Ken O'Brien. But I'd have to say All-Time would have to be Al Toon, who without the concussions could have been right up there with Jerry Rice. It's hard to pick a Jet right now, because the team is rebuilding but I'd go with Vilma or Coleman, who I think is very underated.