If I flip the bird to a Cabbie on 42nd street, do I have to apologize? Rex was out on his own dime, leave it be. If he did it on a football field, then it can be fowarded to the review committee for the NFL.
I would do that anyway. Of course, the NFL hasn't gotten involved but anyone suggesting they should is seriously mistaken.
No surprise here. For me personally, it's no big deal. However, this one gesture and all the talk throughout the season is not going to already change the Jet fans reputation. Classless, cocky, whatever... We have Jet fans getting arrested in two playoff games, maybe more, that made front page news. All the talk through out the season, the cockiness, etc... the Jet's are already hated and with success comes even a bigger target, not to mention what a gesture like this will bring. :metal:
Never mind Rex, they'll be sorry they started with junc. EDIT: Wow, junc is a lifer on that board too. I need to check that out during the season. :up:
I won't pay for a PSL, but I'd sure as hell pony up a $1 (with 250,000 other JETS fans) each time Rex wants to flip off the Phins!
Yes, I singled him out for special recognition for carrying the fight to the fish on the Most Argumentative thread...
thats the thing he is never off the job. i on the other hand am not well known and can call someone a cocksucker on here with no repercussions. however if i were the head coach of the new york jets you can bet your ass i wouldnt be on a message board talking shit or flipping anyone the bird. it comes with the position that you act in a certain manner. 10 years ago i would agree with all of you and been all for it, but 10 years ago i was a young man with no real idea of how you should act as a man.