The Final Eight Plan - Jets FA Limitations

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by abyzmul, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It'll be interesting to see how much input Mangini gets in talent acquisition. I suspect the answer is little or none on the offensive side.

    BTW, I still think there's a real chance that creative differences could lead to a parting of the ways before training camp. I don't think Mangini really realizes how limited his control is going to be with Holmgren and Heckert's long association outweighing everything else in the deal. Mangini has only worked with GM's who were friends in the past - he's the odd man out here since Holmgren and Heckert are the friends. Holmgren also is a real threat to take over the head-coaching job at any time that the Browns falter moving forward. He's said that he misses coaching and his trigger finger is going to be really itchy when he also bears responsibility for another coaches results.
    #41 Br4d, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  2. GangGreen88

    GangGreen88 New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
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    Trade/Free Agency

    I am sorry if this has been posted, but I looked and couldn't find anything. I am aware of the new Free Agency rule for the final 8 teams (Can't pick up a player until you lose of your own Free Agents). I wanted to know if this goes for trades also? Just was talking to a Jet buddy here in Miami and we weren't sure. I know Tanny has made some great trades lately and was thinking if this is the route we are going to go until we lose someone in Free Agency. (I dont see us losing many players so this might be a quiet offseason). I dont mind if we just lock up our young talent and see what happens with cuts and stuff.

    BTW, saw Rex at the MMA. What a wild man! I love him. I have never loved a Jets coach like this since Parcells!

    Go Jets!
  3. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I'm sticking this thread because it's going to be relevant all off-season. Hopefully people read this before posting about every free agent that becomes available.

    Please, if you're going to post a thread about a free agent, discuss what free agent(s) the Jets are going to lose in order to make that possible.
  4. Green Hurricane

    Green Hurricane Footsteps Falco

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Something I noticed in Abyzmul's initial post. The Jets can't sign a player to replace one of their UFAs and have the initial first year salary be above the player they lost. Also, there is that provision that the player's salary can't increase by more than 30% to keep them from circumventing the system. However, it says that signing bonuses aren't included in the provision, so the Jets *could* conceivably still sign a player by loading them up with a big time bonus.

    Of course, this being an uncapped year, they could just try and work out a one year contract with players with huge bonus to make up for a low base salary. Or, perhaps a 2 or 3 year contract with a middling signing bonus (so the later cap numbers won't be so bad), and a huge roster bonus for September, so the cap number is only inflated for this uncapped season.
  5. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Salary Cap- Myths, Misconceptions, FAQs

  6. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Great Article at Jets Blog. Should clear up many problems about Free agency and the Jets
    #46 JohnnyThaJet, Feb 3, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2010
  7. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    If you read the bold statement, this is great news for the Jets and potentially can set us up for a Nice FA signing
  8. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    But NOT Julius Peppers. People need to understand that.
  9. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Id actually give it a 25% chance there are a few loop holes the Jets need to go through but its not impossible. BUT at this point i find it highly improbable with the info i have read the past few days unfortunately
  10. fredmertz

    fredmertz New Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    This is the summer we see how much of a genius Mr. Tannenbaum is.
  11. GreenMatt14

    GreenMatt14 Member

    Oct 21, 2009
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    No CBA

    So if there is no CBA this year how does this exactly affect the jets. Lots of rules if there is no CBA and since we made the playoffs it affects us with signing UFA..
  12. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    you might want to start perusing this thread

  13. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I don't know if this was posted yet--but it is very good stuff --read on

    Can the Jets get Revis signed long-term?
    Bill Kostroun/AP
    With the National Football League heading to an "uncapped" year, the New York Jets are set to face several challenges this upcoming offseason. Jason Fitzgerald of was kind enough to take a few minutes to breakdown some of the salary cap and contract issues Gang Green could be facing. If you are not familiar with it is one of the most informative Jets websites on the internet.

    Tyson Rauch- NY Jets Examiner: Jason, it is looking more and more like the NFL will be heading to an
    "uncapped" year in 2010. With the Jets appearance in the AFC Championship
    game can you go into how the "Final Eight" rule impacts the Jets?
    Jason Fitzgerald- The Jets will be restricted in their ability to sign what the NFL
    classifies as an "unrestricted free agent(UFA)". The NFL's definition of
    a UFA is a player whose contract has expired with a team, not a player who
    has been released from his former team. The basic restriction on the Jets
    is that they may only sign one UFA for each of the Jets own free agents
    who signs with another NFL team. In addition the player the Jets sign may
    not have a first year salary cap number that exceeds the departed players
    first year salary cap number with his new team. The player the Jets sign
    is also limited to an annual yearly raise of only 30% of his first year
    salary over the course of the contract. In addition there can be no "sign
    and trade" agreements for any players who fall under the UFA category. Had
    this limitation been in place the last two years the Jets would not have
    been able to have signed players such as Alan Faneca, Damien Woody, and
    Bart Scott.

    There is no restriction on the Jets to sign players who have been cut from
    their former teams, players who have been designated a franchise or
    transition player, or players who are restricted free agents. The Jets may
    also re-sign their own UFA's without limitation.

    TR: Who are the unrestricted free agents on the Jets roster and do you think they will have any value on the open market?
    JF: The Jets free agents are LS James Dearth, T Wayne Hunter, FB Tony
    Richardson, K Jay Feely, DE Marques Douglas, DT Howard Green, LB Larry
    Izzo, TE Ben Hartsock, and LB Ryan Fowler.

    None of these players have significant value on the open market. Jay
    Feely had the highest cap count of any of these players last season at 1.5
    million. He would likely carry the highest value of their free agents.The Jets can also create a few more free agents by not picking up the option on CB Lito Sheppard or not tendering their restricted free agents.
    The Jets have already announced the intention to tender WR Braylon Edwards
    and RB Leon Washington and it seems likely they will do the same with QB
    Kellen Clemens. Sheppard would draw the most interest around the league.

    TR: Many Jets fans are determined to get rid of linebacker Vernon Gholston. Can you explain the cap hit/finances if Gholston was to be cut?
    JF: It was reported that the Jets fully guaranteed Gholston's salaries for
    skill and injury, so if the Jets were to cut him tomorrow they would still
    owe him about 5.9 million in cash. If the Jets cut him in an uncapped 2010
    the cap money that would come off the books is 7.47 million. There would
    be a potential 3.14 million in cap money still on the books, the treatment
    of which would likely be determined in the new CBA.

    TR: Former fan favorite Kerry Rhodes appears to be working his way off the team. What would be the cap hit if Kerry was traded or released?
    JF: The team would only clear about 1.9 million in cap money by moving Rhodes
    this year with a potential dead cap hit of about 5.7 million down the
    line. Again the treatment of this money is going to be decided by the NFL
    and NFLPA during their bargaining sessions. Rhodes is due a roster bonus
    of 2 million dollars in early March, so a decision about Rhodes will be
    made very soon.

    TR: There have been some rumblings about Pro-Bowl lineman Alan Faneca
    possibly being released due to a huge bonus payable this spring. Do you
    have any insight on this situation?
    JF: As far as I know Faneca has no bonus due this season. If I had to guess I
    would think that his base salary, which is 7.5 million, becomes guaranteed
    (or at least a huge portion of it guaranteed) if he is on the roster at a
    certain date.

    TR: It has been reported that in an "uncapped" year both Leon Washington
    and Braylon Edwards would enter the 2010 season as restricted free agents.
    Can you explain their contract situations?
    JF: In an uncapped year the time needed to be an unrestricted free agent is
    increased from 4 to 6 years. This has affected a number of Jets including
    Washington and Edwards. A RFA can negotiate and sign a contract with
    another team, but the Jets will have the right to match the offer and
    likely receive draft choice compensation from the team that signs them if
    the Jets choose to not match the offer. In Edwards case, he will receive a
    one year contract from the Jets worth about 5.6 million dollars and the
    Jets would receive a 1st and 3rd round pick if he signed elsewhere.
    Washington will make anywhere from 1.3 to 2.5 million depending on what
    draft compensation the Jets desire.

    TR: Of course have to ask the million, well multi-million, dollar question.
    It is no secret that the Jets are going to look to lock up Nick Mangold
    and Darrelle Revis long term. How would the Jets be able to go about that
    under the existing CBA?
    JF: There is no restriction on teams from renegotiating the contracts of their
    current players in the uncapped year which is why both Mangold and Revis
    are rumored to seek new deals. The goal of the team is to give the players
    as much money as possible in the uncapped year to reduce their future cap
    costs in the event the cap returns. The only rule that is in place that
    dictates the amount of salary paid in 2010 is a rule where there can not
    be a decrease in salary of more than 50% from year 1 to year 2. If the
    decrease is more than 50% it will be treated as a signing bonus and spread
    out over the life of the contract, which negates the benefit of paying the
    high salary in 2010. That rule will require the Jets to be careful with
    how much they spend in 2010. They will not want to pay Revis 40 million
    dollars in 2010 and have the potential for a 20 million dollar salary on
    the cap books in 2011. If I had to guess I could see the Jets paying
    Mangold somewhere in the realm of a 14 million dollar salary in 2010 and
    Revis close to 20 million to drastically lower later cap costs. I would
    also think the team may approach David Harris and D'Brickashaw Ferguson
    about new contracts.

    TR: Once again Jason I want to thank you for your time and effort. is one the most informative Jets related sites on the
    internet. It is a definitely a must view for all of the diehard Jets fans out there.
  14. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    That part was extremely helpful. Everything above it, aside from Faneca's contract situation, has pretty much been said already.
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    My guess from reading that is that both Revis and Mangold are going to be in Green and White for a very long time.
  16. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    It makes sense to... they'll try to move the salary forward as much as they can... I can see the Jets paying big money to Revis, Mangold, Harris and Ferguson in 2010 and then reducing their pay by 49% in 2011 (which would still mean a lot of money) and so on... this means we'd have a huge cap hit from these players in 2011 but in the long run it could be helpful (plus who knows how many exemptions will be in place in the 2011 season since I suspect many teams will take advantage of the uncapped year to re-sign their big shots.

    I can see us doing something like:

    Revis -> 2010 Salary = 35 mill -> 2011 Salary = 18 mill

    This means that if he gets let's say 14 mill a season (84 for 6 years) he is already cashing in 53 in the first 2 years which means that for the other 4 years he's only due 31 mill which means a 7.75 cap hit per year).

    Mangold -> 2010 Salary = 15 mill -> 2011 Salary = 8 mill

    This means that if the contract averages 8 per year (48 in 6 years) he has already put in his pockets 23 mill and will get 25 over the next 4 years for a cap hit of 6.25

    And I'm not even counting roster or signing bonuses in this equation...

    I really hope Woody opens the pocket this off-season and signs these guys to huge contracts for 2010... This way we won't be big spenders in the 2011 FA but after that we are going to have an excellent CAP situation...
  17. glightning

    glightning Banned

    Jan 22, 2010
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    Looks like you need to take a course in this just to understand it.
  18. JetsOex

    JetsOex New Member

    Jan 20, 2007
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    I can't create a new thread but Wallace Wright signed with the Panthers, he was a non-tendered RFA. Does anyone know if we can sign a UFA free agent now?
  19. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    So would a player that wasn't drafted fall under section "a" above? I'm wondering if we're restricted to undrafted players. I assume we're not, but would like to hear some confirmation from others here ...
  20. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    Mike Tannenbaum pisses on the final 8 rules.

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