I don't care about a "magical season" or "special run"--I'm still pissed

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by nyscene911, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Yes, you were a chump, we are in agreement here.
  2. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    That's a great argument, for a six year old.
  3. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    I understand what you're saying ... I'm disppointed too, and nothing is guaranteed ... but come on man ... the future wasn't "now" ... we sarted a rookie QB all year. A rookie QB has NEVER played in the Superbowl ... there's probaby a good reason for that.

    The future is the future... and there's no reason (other than being a beaten-up Jet fan) to think that we won't be one of the best teams in the league for years to come. As we proved this year ... just get to the playoffs and anything can happen. I'm looking at this as the start of a run where we'll be in the playoffs year after year, taking our shot.

    I'm disappointed, but I'm also optimistic ... and I'll continue to be optimistic until a day comes when I look at the roster and DON'T see a bunch of talented players on both sides of the ball.

    And for the record ... we had the #1 Defense, but it still needs to improve. Adding Jenkins, and another corner or pass rusher will make is even better.

    I can swallow this loss ALOT easier than some of the losses we've had to deal with in the past.
    #103 truthbtold, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  4. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    He tore his Achilles, true, but that's the point though, many things can go wrong next year. Including other teams getting better, Colts winning again, NE or Pitts getting back to SB, Baltimore and SD improving, and many other things. We are just one of many good horses in the next year's race. We will have our chances, I am sure, but ... sucks to blow a great chance now, with a 2 possession lead, no less.
  5. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    To OP,
    Really? You expected a rookie QB and HC to win it all. The fact that our boys made a playoff run is nothing short of spectacular. Get over it, there are a lot of teams that would KILL to be in our situation.
  6. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    For me this is hardest loss to swallow since that Denver loss in 99. I've been waiting for 11 years for this, and it was de ja vu all other again.
  7. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Not at the start of the season. Not during the season. But yesterday, yes I did. I hoped. And our rookie QB played really well, it's not like he had a "rookie" game. We got 2 possession lead too. I thought we could do it. But ... 1999 Denver loss all over again. It's disheartening, that's all I can say.
  8. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    I said "It's over" as soon as Manning threw that bomb before the half ended. The injuries in the secondary absolutly killed us... and anyone who watch the 98 AFCC game tell me this was not a fucking repeat...
  9. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    I have to agree a little with skorol75 here. At that moment when the Jets were up by 8 and had the ball at the Colts 30 yard line they had an excellent chance to win the game. The fact that the they blew games that they probably shouldn't have early in the year didn't matter at that point. Sanchez's five INT game against the Bills and four INT against the Pats didn't matter. He was playing well, the Jets were up, and they had a chance to distance themselves from the Colts and significantly increase their likelihood of going to the SB.

    Right then they had a chance with about 3:30 left to get a couple of first downs score and go into halftime with a significant lead and also get the ball back to start the second half. It sucks that they couldn't get it done: untimely penalties, defensive mixups, injuries, lack of consistent pressure on Manning (basically more mistakes than the Colts). The #1 D did not live up to it's billing and that really is dissappointing and I think that skorol75's point is that it's not like Peyton is going away any time soon. Optimism is great and all (the fact that Sanchez played well in the big stage is certainly encouraging), but each year is different and who knows what might happen in the future. One or more members of the OL might get injured next year (to have OL be totally intact for 32 strait games is almost unheard of these days). To have one significant injury on offense and defense isn't all that unusual and who knows who might get injured in 2010?

    I certainly hope that the Jets go into 2010 with the attitude that last season's "feel good" story can quickly turn ugly if you don't continue to bust your ass and make smart decisions. The Jets aren't the only team with a bright future. Let's hope they execute, grow together, and be healthy at the right time of the year.
    #109 johnny, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  10. BleedJetsGreen1981

    BleedJetsGreen1981 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
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    This is a painful loss. I've been a Jets fan for 29 years third time to the AFC Championship and third loss, and they all suck. But, serioulsy when you look back now at that game 15 against the Colts after Brad Smith scores a touchdown on the kickoff return, Manning marched his team down the field in two minutes flat for a 15-10 edge.

    Yeah, we may never know for certain how that game would have turned out, but, beating the Colts second stringers gave all of us Jets fans a chance to glimpse into the future. We had a chance to witness Mark Sanchez mature before our eyes. A twenty-three old kid with the poise and talent to handle himself under the extreme pressure of the post season. We don't need to rebuild, a few tweaks here and there and we'll be right back in the mix maybe even home field for the play-offs.
  11. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Dude, we lost to arguably the best QB of the decade and a team that just went OFF on both sides of the ball yesterday. The Colts played amazing and there is no shame in losing to a team that good. They just played at a level the Jets can't compete with yet. No reason to get all down in the dumps. Be happy our boys played at a level to knock two teams out of the playoffs on the road. Just wait till’ next season, the Jets will be THE team to beat when they have a full training camp together. Buck up man it could be worse, you could be a Miami fan. They didn't make the playoffs at all and NO ONE takes them seriously.
  12. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    agreed with greaser...

    this team far surpassed expectations and IMO this season is a win...

    if this team was older and built to WIN NOW then I would be a little shaky..

    but the bottom line is this team is in it's prime and will only get better.

    keep your heads up guys

    next season is gonna be a great one
  13. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Not to disrespect, but this is a loser's mentality. You play to win, no matter who is against you. And after we just beat Chargers, who were an amazing team and have not lost since week 4, I sure wasn't ready to just give it up to Colts , just because they have Manning. I am not ashamed that we lost, but I sure was hoping for a win. And why can't we compete against them? Peyton threw 16 INTs. He put up less points in average against inferior defenses.

    And in we were good enough to get up 11 points on them, weren't we? Should have been up by 14 is Feely did not miss a FG that he always makes (40+ in dome). And then when we got that TO on their 30 yard line, we just needed 1 first down to run out the clock in the half, and with only 30 yards to go, I sure thought we could get a TD. Come on now. We had this game, man. Then Feely misses another one, not only leaving us with no points, but giving Manning short field for a TD. 0 points in the second half as we got too tentative again. You can't tell me we had no chance here. We were right there.
  14. skipper

    skipper Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I've been a Jet fan for a long time and before that I was a Giant fan, when they were the only professional football team in NY (yeah, I'm that old). It is normal to be disappointed after such a painful loss, but life goes on and we have a brighter future ahead than we've had for a very long time. Are we guaranteed a playoff spot next year? No guarantees in football - Namath notwithstanding - and who knows what injuries or other disasters will befall us next year. Still, I feel that sometime in the next 3 to 5 years Rex and the Sanchise will take us to the promised land. Hopefully before I croak.
  15. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Good Job on the PC skills- :up: lol

    I can appreciate the insight of a older fan who is not all bitter, it is reassuring.

    I'm in the HV too-
  16. skipper

    skipper Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    If you hang out long enough you transcend bitterness, or you forget what you were bitter about.
  17. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    To make you feel better...did you hear Peyton after the game in the presser? I'll try to find it.
  18. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Doom and Gloom is thick. How about their inability to block on both of feely's misses. They lost about ten yards putting both FG out of range. You cannot allow your QB to get sacked in those situations period the end. This secondary has to improve I don't think a healthy Jets secondary could have covered the colts yesterday. I do agree however that it is looking good for the future of this team. With a good draft this year to build on the foundation they already have. I mean come on the Jets are loaded with young talent most of which came through the draft. Jenkins and Washington will be back next year. Sanchez, Ryan and Greene all gained priceless experiance in this years playoffs. F&ck the doom and gloom this Jets teamis going to f*cking dominate next year. in 99 the Jets had a qb in the twilight if his career and not the youth movement that this years team has. Sanchez has vastly improved he will be a great QB in this league. Greene will be a superstar RB. It is going to be a long off season but the will rise from these ashes and DOMINATE!
  19. 2Bears

    2Bears New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    I am new to this board, but have been a Jet fan since 1967. I have had my heart ripped out by this team more times than I care to remember but this is not one of them. Who here would not have signed for a trip to the AFC title game in August. A rookie QB who grew up in front of our eyes, and a rookie coach. For years we have not been a real Football organization. This is the first time since Parcells that we have been a legitimate team. The difference is that when Parcells brought us to the AFC title game he did it with a team that was made up of old guys on their last legs. This time the vast majority of our team is young. We certainly have holes to fill and in the NFL things can change in a heartbeat - Vinnies achilles- but consider everything including the way last season self destructed and can't be unhappy about this. The simple fact is the Colts are a better team than the Jets and as soon as one thing went wrong we were doomed. That one thing was Greene getting hurt. We also were picked apart by the best QB in the game. There is no shame in what happened yesterday. I for one thank the Jets for the best ride they have given me in many years.
  20. KHBirdman

    KHBirdman Banned

    Aug 12, 2005
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    Yup...Frustrated, Pissed, Annoyed, Hurt, Aggravated, etc...

    I was 12 years old the first time in Miami and Don Schula's decision not to cover the field and play in Mud killed our running game with Freeman McNeil. Then, AJ Duhe killed us on the field. Chance #1 went down the tubes.

    Cut to 16 years later when we were in Denver. We had a 10 point halftime lead and fumbled it away to John Elway. Chance #2 went down the tubes.

    Now, 11 years later, we build an 11 point first half lead to Indy. Peyton Manning takes over. Chance #3 goes down the tubes.

    If you add this up: 12+16+11 = 39 seasons divided by 3 = an average of 11 years between Championship Game appearances. My sanity can NOT wait another 11 years.

    This season has been a magical ride with the 3-0 start turning into a 4-6 team and then getting hot down the stretch to make it all the way to the AFC Championship.

    What I do like is that we did this with a Rookie Head Coach and a Rookie QB which should only get better with experience. We also did it without Kerry Jenkins who's been out all year who was our best defensive player. We did it without Leon Washington who's been out all year who was our biggest special teams weapon our biggest offensive weapon which gave Sanchez one less option when no one was open. We also did it without Larry Izzo who was one of our best special teams tacklers.

    And the game was close. We didn't get murdered. It would have helped Shawn Ellis had his hand available as he was playing with a broken hand and couldn't grab. Kerry Rhodes was on a bad knee. Bart Scott was on a hurt ankle. Donald Strickland left the game with a hurt groin. And our offense stopped moving once Shonn Greene hurt his ribs and left the game.

    And despite all of this, we had a 17-6 lead and things started to change at the 2 minute mark when Peyton Manning needed a score to keep the game close. And with three passes to the same guy, they were in the endzone. The 2nd catch caught because Drew Coleman jumped prematurely to deflect the ball and the touchdown was caused by no one decided to cover Collie in the endzone.

    But, despite all of that, we were still in the 3rd quarter with a 4 point lead and were 23 minutes from the Super Bowl. Twenty three freggin minutes to get this monkey off our backs. Twenty three minutes til glory. Twenty three minutes until to play for the prize that has eluded us for 41 years. Those 23 minutes were painful.

    Some things that killed us yesterday besides injuries were using Dwight Lowery instead of Lito Sheppard was a bit strange. Jay Feely missing a 44 yarder indoors hurt. The refs missed a late hit on Sanchez which should have given us a first down. The 12 men on the field penalty killed a good defensive stand. The coverage on Pierre Garcon was pathetic as was the lack of coverage on Collie. The two minute drill executed perfectly by Manning. It all hurts.

    A lot of people are saying "just wait until next year." The last time I said that, it was the home opener and there were Super Bowl expectations. Vinny went down with his achillies and you know what happened from there. It took us 11 years to get back.

    This one is going to hurt for a while. But, it's nice to know that for the first time in a long time, we have the makings of a franchise quarterback and a coach that will do what it takes to win a Championship before the end of Obama's 4 years.

    Leon Hess was still in his grave yesterday with the same depressing results but I think his corpse actually cracked a smile.

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