So if that SAME hit was made on Manning it wouldn't have been called? If you truly believe that you are far more bias than this post already portrays you as. I really hope we get you guys against in the AFCC....That's all I'm gonna say.
Yup......I'd like a reporter to as Rex that question.... Why no retaliation after the cheap shot... My impression (I have not gone back to the tape yet...) was also that Brackett got away with two helmet to helmet shots around the same time frame.
maybe I missed something during the week, but I don't believe that anyone on the Jets (including Rex), said anything negative about the Colts all week. He was giving his usually rah rah speeches, but was always complementary of the Colts. On other weeks, there was def some calling out, but not this week. In fact, Rex specifically said how GREAT the Colts were after the Sand Diego game and went on and on about how great Peyton was. Just kind of surprised from the after talk from the Colts. After you win keep it classy . . . So in that vein, you guys beat a huge underdog that was all beat up ? now go f yourselfs back to indy haha
Oh give me a fucking break. Yea, that's why we were up at the half right? #1 running back went down for 2nd half and was playing hurt for at least 2 carries before that, LB who runs the defense and make a lot of run stops in the middle was playing hurt and had no speed at all(made 2 tackles all day), #1 and #2 RCBs were injured #3 and #4 were playing. Peyton burned them for 22 of his 26 passes. He burned Revis exactly three times, for just over 50 yards. Standard stuff.... All of which significantly weakened the 2 main strengths of this team, the running game and the defensive secondary. Gee, I wonder why the "mighty" Colts were able to come back in the second half ? With all these injuries, You should have blown us didn't. ...and the Bullett hit WAS a cheap shot on Sanchez. This bullshit about being fooled by the play fake is a crock of shit...that hit took place WELL after the handoff. He knew exactly what he was doing.... It was still a good game. The better team did win, but please...... So congradualtions, fuck off, Go Saints!....and we'll see you next year.........
That hit was perfectly within the rules. You guys had been running all kinds of play action, Bullitt didn't know who had the ball.
Bullitt would have to be borderline retarded to not know that the ball was LONG was a cheap shot.
Fine. We'll return the favor on Manning next year and we'll see how you guys like it. Then again...The field will be covered in yellow laundry.
Stop making crap up. A late hit on the QB is a late hit on the QB, there are no qualifications in the rules for a "play action fake rule." It was a penalty that wasn't called, and it would have been called if it was Manning. The play was long over when Bullitt hit Sanchez. The hit was dirty and wasn't called, so stop blowing smoke. You're right the better QB and team won. But lets not get carried away. Greene was just starting to shred your defense when he left because of injury. And Indy isn't the better defense, it was better than the Jets offense. What the hell are you talking about? The Jets weren't talking shit about the Colts at all during the week. Everyone, including, Ryan continually said they were a great team with a great QB. And how the hell can you say the Jets were the "big bad bully" when the Jets were the underdog and pick to lose by almost everyone? You're team won, be happy. But try not being an obnoxious jack-off about it.
Bullshit. First off, play action is irrelevant. Look at the rules, it doesn't matter. Secondly, Sanchez handed the ball over LOOOOONG before Bullitt hit Sanchez, from behind no less. Go back and look at the play, at least 1-1.5 seconds had passed, and Sanchez was just standing there with his hands at his sides watching the play. If it was Manning there would be flags all over the field and you know it. The hit was dirty, and Bullitt talking shit makes him an asshole. Stop making excuses.
Are you really crying because the better team won? It's funny when colt fans said we pulled our starters and we never played the first game with all of our starters, Jet fans said you would have won the soft team hit the big bad team so hard your players got hurt and now you make excuses...You play the team that's on the field...Greene didn't do anything in the first half and wasn't going to do anything in the second half. Stop crying and looking for excuses...your team needed missed fg's and turnovers to win this game and you didn't get them...period
I did look at the rules and of course this may be discussed on the NFL network and I am sure they will discuss the play action rule...also, the hit was within a second of the hand off, this wouldn't constitute a late hit...Wasn't there a holding call on your offense on that play too?
You can't HIT the QB 3 seconds after the play is OVER with the excuse "Duhh....I thought he still had the ball." That's a great excuse: I thought he had the ball. "Ref, our CB tackled the WR because he thought he had the ball" "Ref, our LB hit the QB late because we thought he had the ball." It was a GROSS penalty and should have been a 15-yarder.....they catch a Jets pinky grabbbing a f****** facemask and get us for a 5-yard penalty on the same play...oh yeah, Bart Scott, hobbled leg, gets nailed for being 2 feet on the field as the 12th man....that they can see.....but a late hit on the QB by 3 seconds ? That they f****** miss.
Oh stop trying to making it sound like the Colts were the underdogs, you sound like a moron. Greene wasn't doing anything in the second? What game were you watching? He had carries for 12, 8, and 6 yards before he went don't, he was just hitting his stride. Who's crying? Every Jets fan in this thread has said the better team won. You're the one who feels the need to talk smack (way to show some class after your team won BTW) and defend a clearly dirty play.
Really ? So if a moron player doesn't know the QB doesn't have the ball then the QB is fair game ? I'll be sure to remind some of the Colts opponents fans next year....maybe some 2nd-string LB can hit Peyton Manning 5 seconds after the fact and tear his ACL and give him a concussion. "I thought Peyton had the ball. Sorry."
Remember that this happend on a run play. Nobody protects manning's blindside on run plays. Nobody except the refs.