My step-daughter was in Manhatten last night, in from LA with her boyfriend and hitting the bars for a few drinks. While they're there, in walks Chad Pennington! So, knowing I'm a huge Jets fan, she calls me right away on her cell phone and the next thing I know I'm talking to Chad Pennington. WTF? So I told him I'm in Section 227 in the Mezz and we'll be there rooting for him. He tells me he's got seats not far from mine for some of his friends and relatives. Then we touched on the O-line situation and I told him how glad I am that Mangini is the new coach and how much we appreciate him and Tannenbaum beefing up the O-line. He says to me, "Well, that's important to me too... we gotta have that O-line, you know." With that he had to run. There was so much more I could have asked him if given the time (like... how's the arm?), but my wife was jumping up and down to grab the phone. So I give it to her and she gets on and all she could say was, "This is unbelievable! This is unbelievable!" GRRRR.......
You didnt have a camera on the cell phone for a quick pic. No autograph. Well I cant complain I get the same way when I meet a jet player. Sounds like you had a pretty good night.
I just think it's great that he actually took the time to talk to a fan. So many players these days just don't give a crap. It's good to know that he is still a Jet.
It's things like this that really make me root for this guy. He took the time in a bar to talk to someones father on a cell phone? That's just really, really cool.
Good story...Like you said you would of loved to ask him more question, like his thoughts on Kellen, or the offense Schottenheimer is implementing...
Exactly. How can you not root for this guy. Around this time last year one of the other TGG members met Chad. And it was the same thing. They just started talking. He has that southern hospitality where he will just talk to anybody. U gotta love this guy, noodle arm or not.
227, that's a riot! Has he signed the ball yet? If not, you should have gotten an appointment! I can see it now, at TC this year.... "Hey! Chad! I'm that guy you spoke to on the phone! Come sign my football!"
yeah ....i respect him. I like him as a person, but I have my doubts about him as quarerback. Hope i'm wrong
That's exactly what's going to happen, T-Bird. And he'll probably look at me and go, "This f*cking guy again?"
Nice story, Its nice having him on the team, I get awe struck when speaking to sports heroes or certain celebrities. I am really worried he is done or will never be the same but as far as personality in a QB you could not ask for more, I think he will be great to help mentor Clemens, they seem to be similar guys