terrible call - the man had possession enough to switch hands - that's not only possession, that's a football move. Terrible call, glad we overcame it. Anyone know who the refs are this week?
Can't believe Ray Lewis got fined for that BS h2h call. Meanwhile, there was a clear spear later in the game and nothing. It's as if the NFL doesn't like when the Pussy teams of the league get hit too hard.
Here is the crew for the game: Referee: 99 – Tony Corrente Umpire: 29 – Steve Wilson Head Linesman: 120 – John McGrath Line Judge: 7 – Ron Blum Field Judge: 89 – Craig Wrolstad Side Judge: Dyrol Prioleau Back Judge: 126 – Don Carey
Ha, It's what the ravens thought too, Thought they had an advantage because of the crew, and what happened?
Because the Colts have never blamed officiating for a loss, right? Does anyone know if this crew did any of the Jets regular season games this year?
Not according to this. Click on the weeks to check each referee assignments for every week. http://www.football-refs.com/active-refs/tony-corrente/
I don't think it matters how good we play, they will find a way to make the Colts win, fuck Manning and his fetus head.
It's really not that bad of a called game. If the Jets lose, it will because they collapsed on defense in the 2nd half.