I haven't had the time to post as much as I would like the last few years, but I have been around to skim the boards on occasion. This season has been an emotional roller coaster, both for the team and this board. But considering where we are I wouldn't change a single thing. God I hope they win this Sunday, I really don't want to get off this ride.
what ever happened to that guy who used to write editorials back in '04 (I think) his name was Mike Dittus or something. I enjoyed that dude.
as great a season as it has been, and as fun as it is to be realistically optimistic and excited about our chances, it will all pale in comparison when the Jets finish the job. I don't even know if I'll have the words to post my excitement.
I really haven't posted a lot over the past few years, but this is awesome opportunity our Jets are getting now. After the years of heartbreaking (even though I'm too young to have experience the Kotite years and prior to that), it is good to see even the most negative Jets Fans have some optimism. I honestly don't think it has hit me that we are soooo close to the Super Bowl. So here is to making history on Sunday! :beer:
been here for awhile...... keeps me in touch, living in FL. There's still a big hill to climb, but REX has me chugging the Kool-Aid. I believe. :jets:
I've been less frequent on this board as well. Sometimes the "darksiders" get too much for me to read. But this has been a great place to hang out and share good and bad, argue and cheer together. Always enjoy insights from the Mezz and roll my eyes (affectionately mostly) at Champ's grousing. Miss some of the old crew... where IS Jabba... haven't seen Tony in a while... hopefully a super bowl win will bring everyone back!
Petro! Your memory is failing you in these insane times. That was joanmayone aka Chris Mayone. CHECK OUT THESE GUNS
I think it would be special to have a tribute thread in which we dedicate this time in jets history to anyone who has played a part in our personal fanship of the jets as well as this board.
If we lose on Sunday, the bashing will begin and you guys will call for someones head, hate Woody and start the "Same old Jets" nonsense.
I click this site at least 2 times a day. Usually more like 8-10. Been here since since 03, and I'M LOVING EVERY MOMENT OF THIS!!
Yes they will, but I believe 2 years from now this team will be right where they are now. We built the core of this team through the draft, and we're only ON THE WAY UP!!