Mike Francesa Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Royal Tee, May 4, 2009.


Which is it...

  1. Fatcessa is a Jealous bitch.

  2. Woody is definitely PSL whoring the QB around town.

  3. Actually BOTH are right on.

  4. Paranoid Android

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  1. Brien O'Ken

    Brien O'Ken Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Francessa tips over the bandwagon.
  2. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    @Houston - Win 24-7
    New England - Win 16-9
    Tennessee - Win 24-17
    @New Orleans - Lost 10-24 (14 points on INT for TD & 3 on TO for FG)
    @Miami - Lost 27-31
    Buffalo - Lost 13-16 OT
    @Oakland - Win 38-0
    Miami - Lost 25-30
    Jacksonville - Lost 22-24
    @New England - Lost 14-31
    Carolina - Win 17-6
    @Buffalo - Win 19-13
    @Tampa Bay - Win 26-3
    Atlanta - Lost 7-10
    @Indianapolis - Win 29-15
    Cincinnati - Win 37-0

    Now. Let's take a look at the loses.
    @New Orleans - Lost 10-24 (14 points on INT for TD & 3 on TO for FG)
    We all remember how well the Jets D was playing. Sanchez's first taste of failure. The first actual TD against came in the 4th quarter. I can say Lost by 7 without the Sanchez errors.

    @Miami - Lost 27-31
    Lost by 4. D sucked in this one. One of the few games that the D suck this year. Still a close game that came down to the end.

    Buffalo - Lost 13-16 OT
    Lost by 3. Crappy weather and crappy game. Sanchez's first game in the cold weather. He got annihilated. 5 INTs. D kept them in the game.

    Miami - Lost 25-30
    Lost by 5. The ST crapped the bed on this one (two return TDs), otherwise this is a win.

    Jacksonville - Lost 22-24
    Lost by 2. D couldn't stop the Jags at the end. FG to end it.

    @New England - Lost 14-31
    Only game that they truly got dominated.

    Atlanta - Lost 7-10
    3 missed FGs. Crap weather. No offense.

    Either way, if you look at those games. Only one game that they truly were dominated. Every other game the Jets had a good chance to win and could have won. To say that the Jets don't have a chance to do damage in the playoffs is crazy.
  3. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    this show infuriates me because the dopes that call in to argue with him sound like idiots and never make a good point and make us all look bad (and those that are on their way to at least getting around to making a decent argument get shouted over and cut off)...

    yea, we're 7-7 in "real games".....

    There's so many points to make to this guy, If I ever called I'd get cut off immediately....

    like say for instance, the Colts game......if the Jets weren't the best Defense in the league, a hard hitting, flying around d like they are, then maybe Polian. Caldwell and Co aren't that concerned about leaving their starters in (and the game was far from the blowout Fatso leads everyone to believe at Mannings exit, 15-10 is still a tight game)......point being, you make your own breaks in the NFL.........if this were the 08 passive zone Defense of Mangini, maybe the Colts leave their guys in.

    and last night........they effing steamrolled that team, from the kickoff on in all facets (except maybe kick returns....yikes......C Benson or anyone else would hardly have made a difference.
  4. BrooklynbornJet

    BrooklynbornJet New Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    I just cant stand that these grown men call into his show and bow down to him like scared little puppys, These guys call in with a statement or fact francessa disagrees and they start to cower and just agree with what ever he says.
  5. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Michael Kay has been supporting the JETS all year... He bought in to Rex and has preached JETS since day 1.
  6. Skicats

    Skicats Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I am all for a campain to somehow, someway get Fuckcessa off of the fan.
  7. Sanpetejets

    Sanpetejets Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    This will fall on completely deaf ears but... Will Jet fans PLEASE stop calling this guy and either a) saying you are a long time jets fan and then completely kowtowing and kissing his ass and telling him that a team you root for is a "joke" and that the coach needs to "shut up", and that they got a huge "gift" to get in the playoffs, or b) saying the jets are going to the super bowl, are the class of the afc, and cannot be stopped?
    HE loves these calls because: acrimony MAKES FOR GOOD RADIO, and he knows it.
    I would give my left nut for an intelligent Jets fan to call him and talk about the game next week. But we take the bait. I was at the game last night. There was no possum played. Did they open their playbook? Of course not. But Carson Palmer was out there at 27-0 to start the half. So really... playing possum? He's gonna put his franchise QB out there down 27 points to, what, make the Jets feel better about themselves? It's a joke. But it makes for good radio. He already said today, for example, that "Brad Smith and the wildcat will NOT be a factor next week, and the first one from scrimmage will be stuffed for a loss when they run it". Its BAIT. He even admitted as much when he made the possum comment "how do you like that one jets fans"...
    If ya call, just talk about football. He can't STAND that.
  8. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Everyone right now turn to 1050 and NOT Wfan... RIGHT NOW!!!!

    You should not feed the fukin troll, change the station!

  9. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    The Damn Patriots Game The Patriots Had The Ball And We Stopped Them
  10. dbjets9788

    dbjets9788 New Member

    Dec 28, 2008
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    and the Titans game...and the 2nd Bills game
  11. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    oh my god these callers make me cry

    Francesa says when have the Jets D stopped anyone on the final drive this season?

    The caller says I don't know and Francesa says


    vs NE stopped Brady on 4th down under 2
    vs TEN stopped Collins on 4th down under 2
    @ BUF stopped them Revis INT at 2 min left

    Thats 3 games!

    the more annoying thing about francesa is the idiot callers that don't know anything about the team
  12. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Oh fuck him.

    'Success did not come overnight for Aikman and the Cowboys. His first season as a pro was 1989, a year in which they finished 1-15. After the first 4 losses Troy broke a finger, costing him 6 weeks on the sideline.'

    Don't have enough posts to post a link, but the pro football reference box scores from 1989 verify the quote, which I found instantly on google.
  13. Altoona

    Altoona Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2005
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    I actually ran into him a couple of years ago in Manhasset and had a brief exchange with him. I was standing outside having a smoke in front of a restaurant (TOKU) where I was enjoying a scotch and saki laced Holiday lunch with a couple of buddies when I noticed his royal fatness waddling toward me in an apparent window shopping exercise (by the looks of him, he can't possibly be engaged in any other form of exercise). When he gets to the front of the restaurant, he focuses intently on the menu posted on the window. After about a minute or so and without acknowledging that I know who he is, I politely remark to him that the food at the place in question is actually quite good and is worth checking out. He turns to glance (or was it a glare?) toward me for just a second or two, turns his head back to the menu and then says with his characteristic, Francesa tone of arrogant, self-righteous, smugness, "I know. I've eaten here plenty of times." The way he answered me bordered on the impolite as though I should have known who he was and that he knew all about this restaurant along with everything else in the world worth knowing. As he turned to waddle away I replied by asking him the following question in a child-like and highly reverent tone of voice, " Golly, Mister!! Is there anything you don't know?! He quickly turned back to face me (or as quickly as 340 lb miserable sack of shit can physically reverse course) and shot me a glance that was both stunned and a little incredulous. I was smiling and wished him happy holidays to which he gave no reply, turned and continued waddling along his fat-assed, merry way.

    And that is my Mike Francesa story.......
    #1453 Altoona, Jan 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  14. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    NICE JOB ... what a pompus Jackass. Whenever he gets an idea in his head don't ever try to confuse him with the facts.

    Unrelated to the Jets ... I've been dying to call him on his brilliant prediction from three weeks ago... "the Cowboys won't win another game this year" ... They just won the division you fat, arrogant imbecile!!!!
  15. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Who gives a fuck what any of these clowns have to say. Soon the teams will take the field and the game will have to be played. The seedings, power rankings, articles, who deserves what, all that shit matters little.
  16. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    whats even more frustrating is that he continues to deny he ever counted the cowboys out. you, me, and a few callers KNOW for a fact he said the cowboys would not win another game this season. How does that not qualify as "counting them out"?

    all Tank does is say "Ask eddie, ask sal"

    Yeah ok, like those 2 will ever say anything negative about you. They're so afraid of Francesa.
  17. Sanpetejets

    Sanpetejets Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Exactly... if you are gonna call and debate, get some facts under your damn belt! My goodness. Don't give you statistics? What record did the falcons finish with Mike? So that loss is SO bad? I think they finished 9-7, and would have been a dangerous team in the playoffs too... That is a terrible loss? Was Matty Ice (which, it's funny, he can call him that but when schein does ricky and ronnie he gets ripped) going bing bing bing down the field on us mike? Please. F this ego maniac. I have been listening for 20+ years. He is out of his tree with nothing there to anchor him, and the fans calling up lend to the madness. And it IS a big deal. Because Francesa's show is national, syndicated and on YES, and this is how we are viewed by fans of other teams, which in turn makes it harder to go see the Jets on the road. (Seriously, I have seen them in 7 visiting stadiums, and we have a national reputation as not too knowledgeable, and troublesome)
  18. Jett Jett

    Jett Jett New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    an example of a mike francesa caller conversation that just happened

    caller: Cincy had their starters in, so i think they were playing hard and trying to win

    mike Francesa: If you believe that then you think they will beat them again by 30.

    Lol the caller never said that, and since when do teams blow out other teams every game. The jets blew out the raider and the raiders beat like 5 good teams this yr, including the bengals. Just because you win a blowout doesn't mean someone thinks their guna win by 30 again. All the caller was saying, you fat ass, was that the bengals tried and they got killed. Fatcesa is a moron.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That's b/c the Jets are on 1050, there isn't a broadcaster alive who knows less about football than Michael kay.
  20. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I actually think they were trying to play us for real. You can tell when a team is mailing it in (i.e. Giants) and when they are playing.
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