No surprise there. Many NY judges don't give a flying crap about being fair when it comes to this stuff. They see numbers, hit a gavel and move on to the next case. The current system encourages one parent to disappear, it's really sad. Braylon is screwed, he will have to pay, but I can't say I feel that sorry for him. He should have been more careful. I feel bad for Braylon jr. though, he's a pawn in this whole situation and probably will be for many years.
If this is the kind of woman he has had to interact with on a regular basis I don't blame him. Edit: Oh, you meant that the other way.
well, look at it this way. in 20 years the jets can 'aquire' a wide receiver who's dad played for the jets. but just looking at his mom, he won't be half as pretty as the original stone hands.
Yeah, he did. A condom might not feel as great as bareback but the price of a condom (or even a costco pack) vs. the price of child support ? It's like the price of taking a cab vs. dui legal fees/penalties. Think what you'll pay tomorrow vs. what you can pay today, and today's price is always cheaper.
Man, Nik Pace is acting like a tawdry whore. Fcuking btich. Leeds was right, there's no way any New York court - or any court in the Northeast, for that matter - would decide in favor of a father. If I were Edwards, I'd a file a separate suit, suing Pace for custody of the child in Georgia and try to remove the child support case back to Georgia.
Well its a touchy subject with me. In truth I come here to try to redirect my focus in a different direction. I think we should handle our business inhouse not in a forum like this. ie. I'm not hearing much about the B. Roethlisberger case. Guess america is not interested in it one way or the other, so they keep it hushed. But they are interested in the the lives of black folk obviously. For whatever its worth these are our sisters, daughters and mothers and what ever they have done I will never see them as bitches and hoes, they are what they are because we are what we are. now back to The New York Football Jets!!
....that's why Revis Christ gave girls two holes right next to each reqires a condom, the other a lugie.
Giving golddiggers a pass just isn't a part of my makeup and I don't give a damn what color they are. She's using that kid as a financial tool and as leverage against the father and IMV, that certainly qualifies her as a modern, cast iron bitch. She's not in the same league as the hoochies that Tiger was doing because none of them were cunning enough to get pregnant and cash in. They were doing Tiger because they wanted to, not because they smelled money. Fuck her. I hope Braylon gets a change of venue and gets that bitch in court in any other state but NY or the NE as a whole. He should be the one suing her for full custody, not her suing him for a ticket to easy street.
Really? There is no need to bring the race card into this. The reason she is being called a bitch and a hoe is because she gets knocked up by someone with money. He wants to be a part of the child's life and she says no and then asks for 70,000 a month! She is being called a bitch and a hoe because she is using her child as a weapon to become rich, not because shes black. This has nothing to do about race and shame on you for trying to make it look like the posters here are racist for calling her names. I am so sick of people bring up the race card every chance they get.