On a related note .... If I am not mistaken, when the Bills played the Dolphags, they gave away 14,000 tickets so that the game was a "sellout" ... The prices in Toronto are sky-high and many Bills fans can not ( or will not ) put out that kind of $$$ for a ticket ... Plus the fact that it's a 2 hour drive from Buffalo and the traffic is a bitch ...
I think if the bills were 7-4 instead of 4-7 we would see many of their fans travel. Is the game sold out?
I am going. Have to be up there for work so going up early to catch the game....and whoever said it was gonna be cold its called a dome. Toronto is an awesome city, lots to do. Anyone gonna be up there and want to meet up with other Jets fans?
I disagree with this notion that he cannot throw in the wind. Even Simms said in the Pats game that Sanchez is a "all weather qb" after that nice throw to Cotch for a TD in that game.
I guy I work with is going to the game, flying out at 1pm Thursday. I asked how much for tickets, and I almost fell off my chair!!! 100 levels seats are $275 CA!!!! 200 levels are $185 CA!! Upper decks seats are $99 CA!!! I'm in shock!!! This is with the Canadian Dollar worth more than the US Dollar!! At these prices, I expect the place to be empty. Here is the ticketmaster link for ticket prices...HOLY SHIT http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/1000428900E6A9B3?artistid=805905&majorcatid=10004&minorcatid=8
Newsflash ..... As of this morning $1 US is worth $1.06 CDN ... The US Dollar is worth more than the canadian dollar and has been for quite a while
Gotta give it to ya' there ... That hasn't been an issue with me for some 30+ yrs, but you still have kick-ass beer ... Love crossing the Rainbow Bridge and enjoying an afternoon in Canada ... BUT to damn expensive for a draft beer, even the Brewers Retails are $$$
I thought Toronto was going to try to become an NFL city back when Sky Dome opened in the early nineties, when the BlueJays were great and McNall bought the Argos. I think it would have worked. In retrospect, maybe they'd be doing better than Jacksonville is now. The NFL might have put a Super Bowl there if Toronto was in the NFL.
Makes sense. In Canada, if you're not from Toronto, chances are you hate Toronto. Ted Rogers, the man who brought the Bills to TO and owns the dome, is quite literally the biggest douche to ever exist. He died just a bit ago, but his son, ever-as-much as a douche, operates the same way. Gouge, gouge, gouge, and when there is nothing left, gouge some more. The ticket prices are outrageous, AND they have been LOWERED due to no demand. Can you imagine? When the bills tickets first came out, and people complained about the cost, his response was something alone the lines of, 'People will pay what I tell them to pay'. Douche-supreme. Not too mention what Rogers as a company charges for internet, cable tv, or cell phones. Canada sucks when it comes to big companies ripping the fuck out of us. We apparently can't or won't do anything about it.
His son does not run the show actually. Globalive is making some moves to offer a better service but the big guys are trying to block out - another couple of years we should have some competitive pricing. As for the crowd, exactly like Tuds said - going to be a very mixed bag. Especially with both squads virtually assured of being on the outside looking in come playoff time. I figure I should at least aknowledge the ridiculous parkas and ham comment - but MB did a pretty good job. Ignorance at its finest.
Believe me .... I was not disputing the fact that Canada as a whole is pricey and Toronto is just crazy expensive .... I live less than 5 minutes from the border and cross into Canada a lot, but to buy anything is just nuts