How do you think I feel, i ditched the Pats for the Jets after the Jets beat them earlier this yar and now the Jets are shit and the Pats are great and I already ebayed all my Pats gear and bought 3 different versions of the Sanchez shirt.
Pussy! I wonder how you deal with tragedy/letdown in real life. You're a pussy PLUS you're dumb. Anyone looking to hop on the "next big thing" would see that New Orleans is the team to follow.
See you. I am gonna find a team to root for like I do every year to occupy my time, probably the Bengals just for fun, but convert to a Giant fan. Never
Nothing wrong with being a Giants fan but if your doing it because you were a Jets fan and couldn't stand the lossing you should consider the chances the Jets were lossing because you were a fan and any team you go to is going to suck because you're a fan.
My younger sister text's me every Jets loss that says something like "Thanks for making me a Jets fan" She says if it wasn't for me, should have been a Giants fan or something. It's funny, and sad. :jets:
way to pick a bandwagon team, dude. giants are sucking as much as the jets are at this point. you should've picked the colts or saints.
Not that I'm looking for a pat on the back, ok maybe I am (lol), I found this loser's thread about 2 hours earlier and bumped it up on the thread he made yesterday. Problem is, nobody bothered seeing the other thread because everyone was probably sick of it already. Oh well, dems the breaks.
The problem is, and it's a huge one, they do it almost every season, so you almost get used to the feeling of disappointment. They've prepared me for dealing with real life good. So, this is nothing. I usually really get bummed after the 7th loss, because that's when you're almost positive it's over and done with. I bleed Green to the bitter end though, 1-15 season or 12-4 Divisional Champs. Don't matter to me. Even my pops couldn't make me a Giants fan, and he definitely tried. lol.
Don't do it! Take it from a guy who followed both the Jets and the Giants for many years... Eli stinks - I can't stand to watch the guy, plus he's overpaid. Stick with the Jets.
If you're going to leave the Jets, don't make a lateral move - upgrade to the Colts at least. Or the Saints.
couldn't you have just done this without the song and dance, or do you suffer from the need to tell everyone how much of a pussy you are in all aspects of your life? everyone pull out your dicks, the attention whore needs her fill.
guys, this thread was from 2008 in case you don't realize it (some of you do though). What's makes the bump so funny is that Killeri9590 was making similar statements yesterday (although surprisingly listed the Giants as a team OUT of the running for the switch). Point being that anyone who thinks they can quit the Jets is just smoking crack. Once a jet, always a jet, no matter what.