NY Jets Draft Review

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jabba the Jet, May 5, 2006.

  1. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Sorry man, but you really seem to be going out of your way to be negative about this trade. Just saying "we traded our 2nd round pick for 2 2nd rounders and a sixth" should just be enough to satisfy most. Everything else I've read about the trade was positive, except your posts.

    What Jabba said sure seems a lot less confusing than saying a pick is worth a round less next draft. The 50th pick this year is worth the same amount of points this year as it will next year, right?

    Shouldn't that be enough?
  2. Azrael

    Azrael New Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Easily one of the most thought out and well written threads i have ever read, and I read lots of threads at numerous team boards.
  3. Sinjz

    Sinjz Active Member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    Actually, I've heard the same thing as Buttle, about it being worth about one round later in value, and it makes perfect sense. A 2nd rounder NEXT year shouldn't be worth the same as a 2nd rounder I can use RIGHT NOW. It's value is the same relative to picks in it's own draft year, but the fact that we can't use that pick to help us now, devalues it when compared to picks we could of used this year.

    How this, you're hungry and want to buy food. I can give you $20 today or $20 next year, which would you rather have? BTW, I love Jabba's post, just disagree about the value of that one future pick.
  4. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    I completely agree with you Jabba on that point-i dont understand why a second round pick next year would be worth a round lower-that was probably the smartest trade for the Jets in a long time-Next year if were not positioned where we want and we want to move up-we have the ammunition to do it-great work jabba
    #24 penny10jet, May 6, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2005
  5. vegaskarl

    vegaskarl Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I understand what Buttle is saying. I still think it was a great trade for the Jets. Next year when we have two 2nd round picks the true value of this trade will be realized. Today it looks even... next year it looks like genius.
  6. The Lord

    The Lord Active Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    That was a great read and I can tell you put a lot of thought and time into it... I'd rather read your stuff then alot of the guys that are writing for ESPN. I agree with you in that this was a great draft for the Jets (barring the HUGE gaffe in the third round)
  7. Great job, Jabba.

    You did sucha goodd job you inspired me to write up a neew article for my column on draft blitz,lol
  8. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    So, Ham, you think i'm gonna sit here, watch yer bloated head swell some more, and tell you what a great write up that was ?

    Yep. :beer:
  9. The Book 24

    The Book 24 Banned

    May 4, 2006
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    I dont think Eric Smith was a good pick. They like trashed him on JN.
  10. WhiteShaft04

    WhiteShaft04 Banned

    Nov 17, 2004
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    4th pick doesn't get $50 mil...he doesn't know what he's talking about
  11. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    This was a really really great read.
    Actually the best recap of the Jets draft I've seen.

    Hopefully our first three picks will prove genious, and we get at least 1 good surprise out of someone else. only time will tell.
    well done!
  12. jets1960

    jets1960 New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Start all the newbies; let them fail and / or gain experience. We are not going to the Championship this year ayway.
    Herm was / is a dope. He never evaluated potential talent in game-day situations.

  13. CMartinJET

    CMartinJET New Member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Hey jabba great reviews man. I especially liked the one on D'Brick. I remember you being a Cutler guy also so I was wondering what your thought on him going to denver was at 11. As for the Eric Smith pick I was really hoping they went Adeyanju. Keep up the good work.
  14. BamaDoc

    BamaDoc Active Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    You are both right. A pick next year is not worth as much as that same number pick this year since you have to wait a year to exercise the selection. The exact difference in value is somewhat debateable, however the Jets wanted Clemens. To get the exact player you want while moving down and gaining a future second is tremendous.
  15. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Jabba, that's probably the most well thought out and best reviews of the Jets' draft that I've read thus far. To add to that, you echoed my sentiments almost exactly. I've always respected your posts, Jabba, but this only puts you higher on my list. Very good job.
  16. PinPointPenning10

    PinPointPenning10 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Fantastic job Jabba, that was far and away the best Jets draft review I've read and I agree with you on mostly everything. I learned a lot of things that I didn't know about some of our picks and I 100% trust your assesments on our picks.
  17. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Wow Jabba, that was just a tremendous write up on each pick. Great job, I really enjoyed it.
  18. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    WOW, I thought maybe you guys would enjoy it, being Jet fans and all, but I never anticipated some folks liking it this much ... thank you fellas, much appreciated

    And thank you to those who disagreed on certain points but took the time to offer some thoughtful feedback
  19. Buttle

    Buttle New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    My apologies about the length of this post. As I said in the previous post I went ahead and looked at every draft day trade in 2003-2005 that involved a future draft pick compensation. I ruled out any trades individual players just trades involving picks. I found 7 such trades between 2003 and 2005. There might be some that I missed.

    Case 1 Ravens – Pats

    Ravens get # 19 pick 875

    Pats get #41 490
    Ravens 1st Round pick 2004. The Ravens picked #10 in 2003 and would assume a fair value for 2004 would be to expect the Ravens to draft between 10. Lowering that Value to a 2nd round pick makes it equal to 480 points or a total of 870 points making the trade roughly equal in value.

    Case 2 2003 Colts – Texans
    Colts get Texans 5th round pick
    Colts give up their 4th round pick in 2004.
    In this case it works out to be a little less than a 1 round drop because the Colts would be expected to be picking in the bottom third of round 4.

    Case 3 Packers- Eagles
    Packers get Eagles 7th round pick the 31st pick in round 7
    Packers give up their 6th round pick in 2004. Again the formula works. They give up a little more than 1 round for a draft pick today.

    Case 4 2004 Redskins – NO

    Redskins get:
    #3.18 - 180
    #5.07 38
    Total 218

    NO gets:

    5.19 32
    2nd round pick in 2005. The Redskins drafted 5th in 2004 one would expect them to be drafting roughly around #10-15 in 2005 which would be a 3rd round value of between 195-220. Dropping down a round makes the trade in favor of NO but not by a lot.

    Case 5 Chargers - Giants

    Giants get # 1 pick 3000

    Chargers get # 4 1800
    #66 260
    2005 Giants 1st 1300 Assuming the giants get better and draft 10th is a pretty good assumption. Otherwise we could value the pick more and make the value even greater.
    2005 Giants 5th 37

    Total value 3397 Maybe not the best trade to look at as here your looking beyond the value chart and at a specific player that might be worth more than an ordinary 1st round pick.

    Case #6 2004 Chiefs – Detroit

    Detroit gets Chiefs 1st round pick # 30 620
    Chiefs get #36 540
    #105 84
    2005 5th rd pick Lowered to the 10th pick in the 6th round and it would be 24
    Total value 648

    Nothing can really be noted from this trade as the Chiefs got greater value and the future 5th was just padding that value. Lowering it one round just makes the trade a bit more even. I don’t see much that can be learned from this trade that would support either argument.

    Case #7 2005 Redskins - Denver
    Redskins get #25 720 points

    Denver gets: # 76 210

    Not much was expected of the Redskins in 2006. Assuming they are about average and draft 16 here would be the value.

    1st round 2006 lowered to 2nd 420
    4th round in 2006 lowered to 5th 34

    Total Value 664 A little less than full value or one round drop. But keep in mind the 2005 draft had very poor players in the 20’s and the value was not as great as a normal year.

    Case # 8 2006 Jets – Redskins

    Number 35 = 550

    Number 53 = 370
    Number 189 = 16
    2nd round pick in 2007 is valued one round later equal to the 85th pick =165

    Total =551

    Almost exactly equal.

    What can we conclude from all this mess. I think its safe to say the following:

    1. NFL GM’s clearly value future draft picks less than draft picks they can use now.
    2. Roughly the formula seems to apply in almost every trade that a pick in a subsequent draft is valued one round lower. There are some cases of people overpaying for a draft pick today and some under.
    3. The Jets/Redskins trade differed really in no way from what other teams have historically received in exchange for future draft picks. There was no heist both teams got about equal value.

    Again sorry about the length of this post and the argument over something so trivial.
  20. asscue35

    asscue35 New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    Great Debate

    I agree that both of you guys have valid points. However I might tend to side more with Jabba because of a few simple issues.1.The pick we traded to the Redskins was not a player we wanted.2.We did not lose out on picking any particular player.3. We actually traded up to get the player we wanted, Clemens.4.What's more we end up with two second rounders next year, something we didnt have before.No mattter how devalued next years draft may be, its better to have two second rounders than to have one.Like Jabba said, the Skins are not winning the superbowl.Also the value of a pick no matter the mathematical computations can only be determined on peformances on the field.Either way its a great arguement put forth by both of you guys, I had to come out of my Hibernation to post a response to your well thought out arguements.Good job both of you.

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