You know how weird it is seeing this thread title appear right when you click into the Jets forum? An official thread for Sanchez eating a hotdog? Seriously?!
Hot diggity dog! My bologna has a first name its S-A-N-C-H-E-Z Yeh can't believe you guys have gotten 12 pages out of this.
Do you put mustard on your bologna before you put it in your mouth the way Sanchez puts mustard on his hot dog?
You're just jealous of Sanchez and his wiener!! lol You probably loved the highlights of Mark cupping his wiener in his hand and trying to hide the fact that he was shoving his wiener in his mouth, you loved it. eeww
Who gives a rat's ass what Sanchez ate during the game. I was there and didn't care. In fact, I'm the one who sold him the hot dog!
I love it. Cable gets away with crankin' one of his assistants and can't manage to put an NFL quality football team on the field each week, and somehow a hotdog is the big story.
Face Palm, Nice!!! lol After I typed it I realized it was a bit much, too lazy to delete though, haha