The Pats always used to kind of get me nervous, but really the only team in the AFC East that can hold us back are the Jets themselves, this division is honestly theirs for the taking, maybe a "passing of the torch" as they say fuck the Phins they aint shit, if our D would of showed up we would of been 4-1, but no point in dwelling in the past, lets just win these next 3 games atleast
I know it's hard to convey sarcasm on the internet, but that's the way I meant it. Saying what if's at this point is stupid. Coulda gone either way, just like the game itself.
The point was that many things could have happened. What if you guys don't decide to use fake punts? Would have been 3 and outs. What if you guys don't get that PI call at the 3 yard line? 3 and out. What if you don't get that call in which our DB led with HIS shoulder NOT his forearm? See where i'm going? The dolphins can thrown in a lot of "what-ifs" too.
Honestly if our gameplan and D showed up I think the results would be far different for Henne and the Phins, and maybe coach Sparano should teach his players not to tackle a WR while he's going for the ball, blowout my ass, we'll see what happens in 3 weeks, you got your win congrats you still have a long ways to go before you think you can take the AFC East again don't get too cocky with your posts it'll come bite u in the end, but your right if this and if that, but i'm just saying our D played shitty and we still were there at the end what does that say about your team? Not much IMO
HAHAHHA 5 Yards my ass, you maybe right or wrong but that doesn't neglect the fact that he tried tackling him before trying to get that ball
Only an idiot would make a post like that after the refs pretty much let the Phins' Oline hold the hell out of the Jets' defenders during those last 2 drives. Enjoy your win, it's the last one the Phins will get against the Jets this season.
Fair enough. It didn't hint of sarcasm, but I completely agree with you if that's what you meant. That's how games work. Sometimes calls go your way, sometimes they don't. Some plays work, some don't. It's the way it all happened in sum when the clock ticks down to 0:00.
Agree 95%, quite frankly, I thought their O-line was holding most of the game, just a lot more blatant in those last 2 drives when they realized the refs weren't making the calls.
I would say ATM Miami because they have the tie breaker over us and are undefeated in the devision. ALso people saying they arn't good are way off base. Ya they lost 3 games but look who they lost to. Atlanta in Atlanta and they lost that because their TE lost two key fumbles. Indy they should have beat but Indy did to them what Indy has done to everyone this year. Score whenever they want to. ANd to SD when Chad go hurt and Henne came in and threw a key pick six. But the thing is on Monday night Henne looked very "Chad-like" in his play. Not making mistakes and managing the game (when he was not benched for the WC). SO Henne has obvioulsy learned some things from Chad and Miami is a team that is gaining momentum. Plus they have the tuna to keep their game planning tight. If we lose to Miami in a few weeks we probably are not going to the playoffs.
Nice! We gave up all kind of turnovers in that Atlanta game. We should have had that game with the Colts. How in the world can you dominate a team like that in time of possession and lose? Well, we did. The Chargers game was another that probably should be a win. We didn't find a way to overcome the adversities of the game. Therefore, our record is what it is. We are not a bottom rung type team as it seems a lot of people thought. We have a ways to go before we are a REAL good team but we are competitive....
Nice to see at least one Jet fan (ouchy) not living in denial... Miami won because we're bigger, stronger, faster than your defense. It's not complicated. This "unprepared" bullshit is denial, plain and simple. Miami isn't the best team in the NFL. We have a young QB who played well Monday, but very well could have some growing pains in the future. We still lack a true #1 WR. We have a terrible secondary who will kill us all year long. Our OLB are old and not getting the job done. Simply, we're a good team, not a great one. We will be competitive all season like we've been, but we're not going to the Superbowl. However, neither are the NYJ.
It would probably be one of the darkest moments in NYJ history if they were to somehow lose, the Raiders are barely capable of taking down an elite college football team and I say that seriously
If the loss to Miami is any indication, you are probably right regarding the darkest moments theory. The Raiders are terrible but even they can put together a game on occasion. I ain't wishing that on you now. I'm just saying that your team needs to bring it regardless of the opponent......