Lets Judge Kellen Clemens On One Throw!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jonathan_Vilma, May 2, 2006.

  1. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Just because he threw a pretty sweet deep ball against Arizona State, doesn't mean he has a great arm with great velocity. Anyone can make the argument for damn near any quarterback in the NFL on one throw. It was a good throw. Great. Get over it. He has problem on short passes with his velocity and especially outside. He makes up for it by shuffling his feet towards the receiver to get more power behind his throws. That's because he has excellent footwork. However a strong arm does not mean that a quarterback can throw a good deep ball.

    That just means they can throw a good deep ball. The term is getting so confused in so many ways. When people or analysts knock arm strength they are more than likely referring to velocity. If I'm sending a receiver on a 7-10 yard slant, then I want a bullet in his chest and not a floater. That's something Chad struggles with. He throws a fine deep ball, prior to his injury but he struggled fitting balls in between safeties and cornerbacks in intermediate range.

    I think that is the knock on Clemens if there is one. Yet I say something about him, and someone else does and the statement gets turned around claiming that someone said he was a weak armed immobile quarterback who can't make reads. Some of you need to look into what people actually say and not twist it around so that it seems like they're always negative. We're allowed to have a difference of opinion here, yet someone can dislike a draft pick and it gets bashed.

    I am not a big fan of the Ferguson pick because it still leaves without a right tackle, a crucial part of the offensive line. Granted you can't fill every need in a year, but we don't even have a stopgap player with much experience there. Don't give me this Anthony Clement bullshit, because he couldn't start over the third worst tackle tandem in the NFL (behind only the Bills and Texans). He's a depth signing and so was Teague. I highly doubt they brought Teague in here to be playing tackle or even sniff much playing time at tackle unless half the line goes down. We just delayed Adrian Jones development by selecting D'Brickashaw even if he will be a good tackle, and I think he will be. I have a feeling Ferguson is going to be very solid one day if he gets stronger, however that's not to say that everyone has to fall in love with the pick.

    It seems like Jet fans get so paranoid and worried about the future, that the minute another fan exposes a weakness somewhere the other fan gets bashed or told they know nothing about football. Sorry, guys. But the people who can note strengths and weaknesses in ones game are the ones who have actually watched them play and don't just go by Scott Wright's player rankings at NFLDC (granted they are very good, but it's hard to form your own opinion on a player off of them).

    All I'm saying is that we don't need a big bashfest of one member because they aren't in love with the new staff. They've done a solid job, but it'll be two years before they both collectively draft the next Bryan Thomas and no one will let them live it down. I for one think that Bradway did a very good job and Herm had brought him down in a sense. Just because we have a new staff does NOT mean that everyone needs to like them. The old regime was clueless in a sense, but no one was complaining when they first came here and signed players like Aaron Beasley and Donnie Abraham whom I bet many thought could be shutdown corners before they played.

    I know many won't read this, because it is typed in long paragraphs, but I am a big disgusted with some of the new guys in here coming in thinking they have unforseen draft knowledge. You might know a thing or two about it, but be humble about it. It's good to see more people involved, and I'm glad people like SundayJack try to keep them involved. But it's very aggravating seeing some of the cocky ten word sentences that make little sense, then having a "told you dumbass" at the end of it.
  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Well I guess we'll find out in training camp.
  3. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Keep in mind this was a guy who had one of the strongest arms in the combine.
  4. GangGreen04

    GangGreen04 Active Member

    Feb 26, 2004
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    bottom line is we were 4-12. No matter what spin you put on it good or bad, we have two players in mangold and ferguson that give us the POTENTIAL to improve a terrible offensive line. NOthing is set in stone but from everything that we have read about kellen clemons is that he has and above average arm and can make every NFL throw. He has good enough zip to squeeze the ball through tight holes and his mechanics are excellent. Will this translate into success? Who really knows at this point. Two qb's with adequate arm strength who have recently strived in their respected systems are jake delhomme and matt hasselbeck. If clemens turns out to be a solid pro such as a delhomme its safe to say that we made out pretty good for our selves by filling gaping holes at LT C and qb. BTW adrian jones was doing an admirable job as a first year Rt and has major upside. Lets not discount him yet because to go from a TE and start 16 games at T proves that he has some upside.
  5. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    does he have tom brady esque arm?

    if so im glad
    #5 Poeman, May 3, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2005
  6. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Also nobody was saying that throw meant he had a cannon arm. It just proves that he is capapble of hitting WR's downfield...way down field.
  7. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Have any of you seen game tape of this guy? I mean he's got a great arm, makes every throw, throws the ball hard. He has great footwork, moves the around the pocket well.

    I'm convinced that if he didn't get hurt he would have been a lock for the first round.
  8. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    I completely agree. I have watched as much tape on the guy as I can get my hands on.
  9. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    but according to the topic starter He can't. He claims to have watched film, and has seen nothing impressive. I asked which games those were, still no answer. Some people get caught up in the nfldraftcountdown.com, and start thinking that this independent scout, is a hall of fame gm or something. Dude, just let me know which 2 games you saw where his arm was weak, so I can search and find. THanks
  10. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    Hes seen otherwise, ask him.
  11. Amaru

    Amaru Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    I think the original post was terrific. Props to Jonathan_Vilma.
    I think Jet fans, myself included, have a tendency to fall in love with draft picks, focusing only on the positives, and ignoring or brushing aside the negatives. While this isn't really a bad thing, I just think that it may lead to some unrealistic expectations.
    About the bashing of members who aren't in love with the staff, I think they somewhat bring it upon themselves. There's like 10 threads basically complaining about the same things, it gets annoying after a while.
  12. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    Thats not the case, when I talked to him in the chat he had nothing but negatives to say about him. God as my witness this guy said hes immobile, then went on to say " I watch tape" which is a hefty load of bullshit. Any tape I saw of him he can pick up the first down, but ah well. Eh, Nfldaftcountdown.com !
  13. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    That is a false statement...Did jets fans fall inlove with OBrien at the draft...Blair Thomas..Kyle Brady...

    Point is, let's wait to see before we bash or praise....
  14. Boom Dawg

    Boom Dawg New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Im not "In love" with our draft picks. But to say Clemens has only made one good deep throw or has no zip on his passes is straight Bull. I've actually watched him play and he has a strong accurate arm....and if you think hes not accurate you better check his numbers. He had one of the strongest arms in the combine and for some reason many people value this guy as the sleeper of the draft. Not to mention im pretty sure that the Jets had worked him out before they drafted him. Now im not saying hes gonna be the all high and mighty QB of the future but to say he doesnt have the arm for it is crap. But hey if you know more then our front office on decisions then my only question is why arent you the general manager or a scout for a team somwhere.

    Again im not claiming our picks to be this or that, but because you THINK you know more then our new front office doesnt mean you actually do.
  15. Amaru

    Amaru Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Well, I can only judge by his post, and I thought he gave a pretty fair analysis.
  16. Green Hurricane

    Green Hurricane Footsteps Falco

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Did you even read what he posted?? Probably not, because you just completely missed everything he said.

    He didn't say his arm was weak, he said it's ignorant to base the opinion of the kid's arm off of one deep ball and some rinky dink U of Oregon produced highlight tapes. Don't make Kellen out to be something he's not, just because it the crowd seems to be favoring that mindset. If you came on this board a week ago, having seen Clemens play every game of his career, and thought he had a solid-good arm, reading these threads would have made you think he's Dan Marino.

    Clemens definitely has a quality arm, certainly way more than NFL Caliber, and it will serve him well. No one's disputing that. I don't get how people are saying "WHAT GAME EXACTLY DID HE NOT HAVE A GREAT ARM??" I don't know, how about his career? He never tried to be Jay Cutler, he didn't have to be. Clemens is the Jets QB of the future not because he can throw a ball through a brick wall, it's because of his leadership and mind for the game.
  17. Amaru

    Amaru Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    I live in Iowa, so my only way of gauging fans reactions is through this message board, and I haven't been posting for a year yet, although I read it last year around draft time.
    I guess in the two drafts that I have witnessed, it seems that the reaction to the draft picks have been extremely positive.
    ...and yes, I agree completely, let's wait before bashing or praising
  18. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    The positive comes from 20 years of negative... I know it sounds crazy, but this is the 1st drft in along time where the majority side with the FO..
  19. Bomber

    Bomber New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    That's a fair post.....personally I don't think we are really going to know anything about the draft picks until they play in the big league. Clemmens looks at this stage to be a steal, but lets face it the QB talent in this draft wasn't really the best. I mean Young was the top rated QB at 3 and he can't even throw properly....it is doubtful if he's going to be playing next season, let alone the one after it. Leinart and Cutler also have question marks over them, so are no sure thing either.

    To me it looks like a good draft, but what many seem to be forgetting is that all the draftees have not played NFL.....they will make a difference to the roster, but it will take them a season at least to do so. Those expecting us to win more than we'll lose clearly don't know much about where the Jets are at compared to the the rest of the league.

    Peronally I think we will be in with a shot in the Adrian Peterson sweepstakes in about 51 weeks from now.
  20. 28rogerblaze51

    28rogerblaze51 New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    The guy wrote a freaking novel about clemens arm strength... Hahaha

    The point is he made the throw, people who have weak arms can not make those throws, wether it's one time or not, only a strong arm QB can make that throw period.

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