If Pennington is back to his old self...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Poeman, May 2, 2006.

  1. ekaarons

    ekaarons Member

    Apr 15, 2005
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    pennington is finished.he is on his way to being a good q.b. coach and thats it.hemade plenty of money so let him spend it and enjoy it.
  2. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    When you say back to his old self – do you mean completing 9 consecutive passes to his check down receiver for a total of 18 yards before unleashing the bomb only to have it fall 8 yards short of his receiver, or in the arms of the safety or out of bounce?

    Or did you mean mustering up three points for the O and praying the defense can put some points on the board?

    Either way – if Penny is “back to his old self” – who is the quarterback for the other 7 games?

    JERSEY JET New Member

    Apr 23, 2006
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    People on this board are still riping on Chad. Since 2002 he is 21-16 as a starter, which is not that great, but when you consider the Jets are 8-19 in that time when someone else starts it is pretty impressive. Everyone says he has not been the same since 2002, but in 2003 and 2004 he had a combined 29 touchdowns to just 21 interceptions. Those are pretty good numbers, not to mention the fact that the players on the team love him, and he is a great on the field leader.

    I don't know if Chad can ever regain the form he once had. I hope he can, because he is a good player who has put his body on the line for this team time and time again.
  4. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    are you even able to change your name?
    #24 Scikotic, May 2, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2005
  5. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    if Pennington is back to his old self...yes the Jets can/will make the playoffs...heres why...we have tangini running this team!!! which is a huge upgrade from Hermway!!!

    but its a big IF...if chad goes ape and returns to 02/04 form...watch out NFL...sorry clemmons...your gonna back up for a while
  6. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    i dunno i think ppennington is one of those qbs where he can be the comeback player of the year... dude is all heart, and has passion
  7. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    IF Pennington is on the field and able to throw as well as 2 years ago-i dont think its too far out of the question-The Jets have a winning record with Penny under center and even though he doesnt have the most powerful arm-or really anything close to it-then with his leadership qualities maybe he can lead us back to the playoffs or at least contendingagainst some top teams
  8. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    i agree...it can happen...but for me hes either all or nothing...if he comes back, he comes back with authority, and if not this year will break him and his spirit
  9. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Thats exactly what i have always thought-hes not the most gifted guy when he steps out on the field but he just plays with so much heart and is such a good leader-which is why im not ready to give up on him
  10. discostu570

    discostu570 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    It boggles my mind that some people, mostly Jets fans, just refuse to acknowledge that Pennington was a very, very good quarterback before the injury bug hit him.

    In his best season (2002), there was only one occasion I can think of where his arm wasnt up to the job, and that was a hail mary pass against the oakland raiders. Other than hail marys, he was able to make all the throws he had to... until he got hurt. And frankly, if your a winning team you dont find yourself throwing too many late game hail marys. One of the nicest throws of his career was that bomb to Santana Moss against the Chargers in the 04 playoffs, and he threw that with a torn rotator cuff.

    If A, Pennington returns to pre-injury form, B, Ferguson and Mangold can get in camp and be up to NFL speed by opening day, and C, our defensive players can take to the new defensive philosophy, get excited about it and get up to speed before opening day, I think we could definetely be in competition for a playoff spot. C is my biggest worry, because what were going to be doing on D this year looks to be a whole lot different than what we did last year.

    Realistically, my prediction for this team is 8 wins or so, just because there are too many things that have to fall the right way for the Jets to win more than that. But the potential is certainly there.
  11. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You may have forgotten Pennington's only completely healthy season ('02)
  12. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Sine 2002, look at out record with Chad at the helm and without him.... He has found a way to win consistently.

    Now, I don't believe he will be back at full health, but he has NOT been a bad QB at any point in his career barring the KC game...
  13. MN_Jet_Fan

    MN_Jet_Fan New Member

    Mar 20, 2004
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    He still isn't good enough to win a championship. Let's move on.
  14. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Penny was a very capable QB. The key to his success however was the running game. When we had a line that could block for the run, and CMart hanging on to his youth, it allowed Penny to become a great play-fake QB. (Hell, even Brady said he admired Chad's play fakes. When your rival gives you a compliment, you have to take some notice.)

    That said, I don't trust that even Penny can overcome this. The Mangini interview during the draft gave me that overwhelming feeling like Chad is never going to recover.

    Even if he did, I don't see the Jets in the playoffs this year. We play in the tougher of the two conferences. The wild card is a big reach. There is no chance we beat out NE and Mia for the division.

    Also, keep in mind, we have a tough schedule. I have been consistent with my 4 win prediction for next year. I am sticking to it now as well.

    Although with a green Young, Tenn becomes a bit more beatable, Houston is much stronger now, so that game is now off the possible win list.

    Our schedule:
    Tenn: Win
    NE: Loss
    Buff: Win
    Indy: Loss
    Jack: Loss
    Mia: Loss
    Det: Loss
    Clev: Loss
    NE: Loss
    Chi: Loss
    Hou: Loss
    GB: Toss-up (Depends on how much they rally for Favre)
    Buff: Win
    Minn: Toss-up (Who knows what is going to happen with thier QB situation)
    Mia: Loss
    Oak: Toss-up (This game can never be called in advance. The rivalry makes this one impossible to call)

    Let's just say we take all of the toss-up games, and one of the games I pick as a loss (any given Sunday.) At best, we are talking 7 wins. Even if we sqeeze out two of my loss picks, we get at best back to .500. You don't make the playoffs in the AFC with a .500 record.

    Don't get your hopes too high. Just be satisfied that we will be improved next year, and that 2008 will be a much better year, and hopefully will mark our return to January.
  15. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    when he was healthy, he had a losing record against .500 or better teams. :sad:

    he's toast, and if belli got rid of bledsoe, you can bet these guys aren't paying him incentives to be a towel waver. he figures to be axed after june 1st, and ramsey/bolly/clements are the main 3 with brad smith as the 4th/wide receiver project.:beer:
  16. ChuckkieB

    ChuckkieB Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    If Pennington is back to his old self....he'll miss another 12 games in 2007. :breakdance:

    Bottom line - Pennington has been hurt more than he's been healthy. I won't hold my breath for this year. One rotator cuff injury is tough enough to come back from. Two is even tougher. Unfortunately, I think we've already seen the best Chad has to offer.

    Clemens in 2007!

    JERSEY JET New Member

    Apr 23, 2006
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    I think you are being way too pessimistic with your outlook for this season. Last year everything that could go wrong, went wrong. This years team will be better than last year. We won 4 games last season, and easily could have won 4 more. We lost to the Jaguars in overtime, we had a first and goal against San Diego with a chance to win, we lost to the Saints by 2 when Nugent's field goal came up about six inches short, and we had a first and 5 at the Miami 14 with a chance to win the game. That means with as bad as we where last year, we still could have gone 8-8. This is the way I see it in 2006.

    at Ten-Toss up
    at Buf-Toss up
    at Jax-Loss
    Mia-Win (we've beaten them 7 out of 8 at the meadowlands, it will continue)
    at Cle-Toss up
    at NE-Loss
    Chi-Win (overrated NFC team with no offense)
    at GB-Toss up
    at Min-Loss
    at Mia-Loss

    That's 6 wins, 6 losses, and 4 toss ups. If we go 2-2 in the toss ups, we go 8-8. I would be happy with that in the first year of the Mangini regime.
  18. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Wait...who is Bob Cratchit, then?
  19. floridajet

    floridajet Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    If Chad is healthy he should be pretty good.... Hopefully we have an O-Line though, and a sturdy run game would be nice.
  20. Bomber

    Bomber New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Have to admit that's pretty much how I see it, unfortunately: that is not being pessimistic, it's being realistic.

    Also have to remember that our coaching staff are going to be learning as well....I expect a couple of ingame calls to seriously cost us, but that is the price of starting over with a view to being Super Bowl contenders some years down the track.

    The Jets do 'need' to have a few years on the bottom anyway, to get that injection of talent needed to be at the top. We will get to the top, but won't be anywhere near it next season.

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