Joe Benigno and Evan Roberts were killing him, pretty much calling him a corporate shill and Fireman Ed actually called in and they went back and forth for a awhile and Joe got Ed to admit he was a Dolphin fan first (it was when he was a kid)..I'm sure the whole thing will be up on WFAN website soon
Fireman is a jerkoff but he does a good job with leading the crowd, and theres a lot more fans that are more dedicated then him. But Hes given his all to this organization and he loves the jets, i like having him at the games.
I prefer to watch the guy with the Hulk hands on TV...The clowns with the Mexican wrestling masks provide more entertainment.
If Joe Beningo didn't get a radio show on WFAN he'd kill to be Fireman Ed. When Beningo won that job, I know a few people who were working at the FAN for years looking for a promotion who were less than thrilled that some fan leapfrogged them and they sought employment elsewhere. Beningo is living the dream, he was a corporate shill for a CBS radio promotion that enhanced the appeal of the FAN. He should talk. Fireman Ed might be a dick or whatever, I've never met him, but Beningo comes off like a real loser. You're on the radio guy, who cares? -X-
Joe Beningo is very relatable to the general fan. The guy was great to listen to at late nights Fireman Ed can be whatever he wants...I just look at him as a cheerleader of sort (no homo) and he does his job by getting the fans up.
you must not know much of him other than seeing him on tv. the guy thinks hes a real celebrity. hes a douche. i will admit he has his place there and does do a great job getting the crowd fired up, but he needs to get over himself.
I think the people in this thread are the only ones who need to "get over" anything. There's really no glory in being a fan.
Pretty sorry then, when you consider that in recent years he wouldn't even show up for pre-season games or even games with inclement weather. Leaving when the team was down near the end was another no-no. There's fans on this board that I would annoint as "Face of the Fans" before this clown. Just because he's convinced his retarded brother to let him sit on his shoulders 10X a game, leading a chant, doesn't make him the face of the fans.
I dont know him personally and i dont know how he feels about himself. What i do know is ive seen him many times in the parking lots before the games and see many people walk up to him asking to take pictures with him. Does that make him feel like a celebrity i dont know. Ive never seen him turn down a photo op. I think he does a great job at what he does and some people may not want to hear this but he is the face of all jet fans.
I don't understand the hate on either level.......Ed's a die hard, much like the rest of us, he's one of is Beningo, very much the voice of the fans as far as I'm concerned
Only reason why there is so much hate towards him is because everyone of you would love to be in his shoes during the game. He's fireman Ed, and he was on the radio, who the fuck cares...
I think that the "hate" comes from the fact that he looks to be regarded as the #1 fan, but takes actions which you wouldn't see in such a fan. If you're going to hold yourself out as the #1 fan you've really got to toe the line. Do you think the guy in a barrell left Denver games when the team was down by 20 in the 4th and he couldn't feel his 'nads any longer? Where was Ed late in the Denver home game when the rest of us were completely soaked last year and the team had packed it in by halftime? I didn't see him rallying the troops then.