Usual question for people living outside the states!! So it would be nice if people post the streams they know of. usually shows it, just stay in 1 channel so u can catch the password before they make it private. Id still love another stream if someone can find one. This is my initial stream for the evening, it should work For starters.
Im surprised it choppy for anyone, my internet speed is shoddy at best and its smooth as a babies bum. Oh well, enjoy anyway guys. Go Jets.
WTF is this? The link only allows me to watch for a couple of seconds and the says something about a viewer limit that has been reached and is telling me to buy some premium account... Anybody else having this problem?
The justin link? I have had no issues with it. Password being entered has sorted any dropping out perfectly.
Yep, the justin link. Entered the password to first of to be able o watch the stream. Feed is lagging heavily and after a few seconds 15 sec. it gives me the message. Annoying...