I don't mean to get you pissed off I'm just honestly kind of sick of the "you have 3232 favorite teams" joke. I live for the Jets and I just want to be taken seriously. Thanks for not attacking me in your reply. :beer:
Anyway back on subject, I can't wait to watch the game tomorrow morning. Wish I could watch it live like the rest of you :lol: Oh well come week 1 I'll be able to... I'll be broke...but I'll be able to hahaha.
He's a fool for fighting with Jets fans. He won't win that fight. On a semi-related note, I signed up for Twitter to try to win Jets tickets and I somehow got a follower. Explain that one. By the way, it's trouper.
What a little douchebag. Where not real jets fans because we have criticsm ? Take a walk dude you aint a real jet and Vernon "GHOST"on needs to release himself.
I don't understand why you guys think this is so bad? I think it's good that the atmosphere in the team is so good that Clowney feels the need to defend his team mates. That's more important then being good friends with the fans. Also we don't know what this HolyJoeNamath said right? Probably it was total bullshit... I know that if i was in a team with Gholston and someone made a thread like the one in this forum about him which basickaly said "lol what an idiot" even tough Gholston played an ok game i would be pretty pissed off.
Here is what he wrote about VG. "Vernon Gholston is a TOTAL BUST. I?m worried about the first four games without Pace. Vernon spent most of the game getting planted. When he does something right, it still goes wrong, he got his first ever sack negated by a helmet to helmet hit on David Carr." This is after VG's best game. Lay off the dude..I agree with Clowney.
Unless you're a Koolaid drinking, green ganja smokin Homer, you're not a "Real" Jets fan in Clowney's world. I wonder what his reaction will be the first time he gets booed. I hope he doesn't lose his fckn mind.
yea..judging by how many flags the jets had last night, it seems like ryan has little discipline on this team
Clowney's a dumbass, but he isn't the only one in the NFL. Yeah, his twiterring is quite annoying and retarded, but as long as he plays well and doesn't hurt anyone else (i.e. Marshall, Vick, Stallworth), I'm fine with it. My favorite part is observing the polar opposite nature of Clowney and Hodges. Hodges: "I am thrilled to be in the house of the Lord today" Clowney: "Playaplayaplaya, holla holla holla, LOL LOL Maddn 2010 LOL Shit playa!!!