What will they think of next to get rid of preseason game tickets? It's becoming embarrassing already: http://www.newyorkjets.com/blog/posts/1196-tweet-if-you-want-to-see-jets-eagles
I think it's more of them trying to get more followers on Twitter. Kinda like when you enter an online sweepstakes and have to sign up for the emails to be eligible.
Does anyone know if you need the parking pass to park for preseason as well. Someone gave me 4 tix to this game without a parking pass.
A parking pass is just prepaid parking. I imagine they won't turn you away if you just drive up to the booth and want to pay right there for parking. Can't imagine them being concerned about parking overflow, that's for sure.
You don't need it. I went to a pre-season game last year and they took cash from people. Still trying to give away my tix for Sep 3, can't make it.
I want to win tickets. I have no idea how to use Twitter, though. I signed up. http://twitter.com/yisman Did that send a message to the Jets twitter? Am I entered?
The way things are going, you're going to have to PAY somebody to take the tickets off your hands. I'll let you off easy though. I'll take them without charging you a dime, but maybe you could just pay for my gas and tolls and maybe enough for a couple of hot dogs? I don't know how he pulled this off, but my son was able to unload my 4 for $200 at work. The guy must be either a dog hater or an animal rights activist, one of the two.
I'd buy you hot dog and a beer, no problem... as for the tix, gimmee a twenty and I'll take em.:grin: