you mean the most important stretch of the season? yeah I agree. all I can tell Vikings fans is Peterson better ease off with the fumbles other wise combine that with bretts penchant for INT's and yea.....turnover machine.
New Theory: Favre is a bitter old man that used the Jets as nothing more than a means to an end; and that end was playing for Minnesota. With the Jets he just wanted to show he could still play some ball and keep his all-important consecutive games streak intact. His dedication to the team never went beyond that and whatever immediate and easy pleasures he could find (ie "These guys don't know all my jokes"). Now that he is in Minnesota he has the chance to do what he always wanted to; stick it to Ted Thompson and Green Bay for daring to bench him. He might be willing to hone his craft, relatively speaking, and do the things he was unwilling to do last year (check down and manage games) but that is only because in his mind he wants nothing more than to put up a 300 yard, 4 touchdown performance against the Packers.
Which is exactly what will be his undoing when the two teams meet. He wants this too bad, and his usually piss poor decision making abilities will turn into totally fucked up decision making and sink his arogant ass. Unfortunately for the Vikes, he'll be perfectly willing to take his new "team" down with him..........cause this ain't never been about TEAM......and never will be. Favre is a fucking spoiled 40 year old kid, who needs his ass kicked and to be stood in the corner. He thinks he's bigger then the NFL, bigger than even the game of fucking football. He's been listening to those GB fans for so long he actually thinks he is a fucking football GOD. Mangina should have benched his lame ass last year after the Denver game, or FOR SURE the 49ers game....but then I guess he'd probably wanna' play for the Fins or the Pats next. :rofl:
What does it say about the quality of the NFL when a soon to be 40 year old ex football player can come onto a legit SB contender after TC is over and win the starting QB job and get 12 million for the season? For a league that is bumping up against slack ticket sales during a recession, this to me says more about the quality decline of the NFL than it does about Favre or the fans. The NFL is in decline and that's the real story that everyone is missing.
Biggs, I fail to see how a team with no quarterback signing a future HoF'er that they've been trying to get for the last two years is a sign of the NFL's decline. Would the Favre-free Vikings be a higher quality product?
The reality is an over the hill former star has signed on to two franchises two years in a row for franchise QB money. Both of those franchises had good teams. The Vikings are clearly loaded on both sides and yet they had to sign Favre to improve their team. The fact that the NFL has 32 teams and Brett Favre still is an upgrade on high quality teams and can demand Franchise QB salary says an awful lot about the league. This is a league that has sold the passing game, changed the rules to protect the QB and made any decent QB a fortune along with a lifetime job in coaching brodcasting or selling hamburgers in the town he QB'd in. They still don't have more than a handful of top quality QB's in a 32 team league based on parity and spreading the wealth.
Not true. We loved Favre until it was evident he was injured. He was all about preserving his consecutive start record instead of stepping up and saying, coach I can't play, I'm hurt, and I do not give us the best chance of winning. Put somebody else in there. Bottom line: He tanked the season for us because he is selfish and spoiled, and doesn't have a clue what a team is all about.
This is the exact reason he came to NY. To escape his contract with Green bay. Minny was always the best fit for him!!!!! He Knew and he played us!
Eh, I've hated him for a few years now. His "Whey the Hell should I teach [Aaron Rodgers] anything?" mentality when he was drafted, going out of his way to mention Aaron Rodgers' injuries last year in his "I'm coming back" interviews, selfish persona and playing to the media whenever someone turns on a camera. I am a big Peyton Manning fan, though. I forget, is Louisiana south of the Hudson?
I've just always hated him for the way he fell down to let his friend Strahan get the sack record. Ever since then, my hatred for him has just kept growing. I hope he stinks up the joint both times he plays Green Bay. He's an overhyped turnover machine. But hey, he has fun out there on the field
Farvre is a HOFer. He is a good guy who played well for the Jets until he got hurt. he should retire. But I wish him well with the Vikes. I don't understand why some Jets fans feel the need to hate on Farve or other players. Its dumb. He was here, he played well, the Jets had a good season and then things fell apart. But it was a fun ride and I'm glad that we took a shot wirth Farvre. No need to hate on the dude.
I have to dispute this. Favre proved last year he's only marginally above average anymore, especially when he refuses to train in the off season like the rest of the players in the NFL. He couldn't hold up for 16 games even if he started them all to preserve his record. The fact that he gets so much money is because people, in this case team owners, are buying a brand name and the recognition that goes with it. They hope the on-field success comes with it, but tickets and jerseys will sell and that plays into it as well. The NFL did well for decades before Brett Favre and will do so for decades after he's gone.
With a Qb situation as bad as the Vikes, I fail to see how they are a legit SB contender. All the Favre signing does is move them that much closer to finding their future QB, sound familiar?
That's because of the new stadium/PSL issue and the current recession, not really the fault of the NFL and nothing to do with Favre. If they price the tickets right they will sell, nobody in their right mind is laying out $10K/seat on top of the ticket prices.