They moved him to ILB at the end of the season out of necessity, but he was at OLB before that and will likely play both given Ryan's penchant for versatility. Both are still on the roster. I believe we signed another OLB in June, but I can't remember his name right now.
Ryan, who admitted that he's been challenging last year's first-round pick to run through people, cited a specific blitz when Gholston ran over center Nick Mangold. "If he can move Nick Mangold like that, he can move anybody," Ryan said. "That's what we're trying to get. We're going to find out. We'll see. It's all going to come out in the end. He's going to be our starter for the first four games for sure. We'll evaluate him after those games." nice.
If she were a lunatic, this wouldn't be an issue. I hate this. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but the more I hear about Gladys, the more I'm convinced she's a bust. It's possible that once she gets a taste of QB blood she'll turn into a beast.. but I'm not going to hold my breath.
to be honest, on the interview process, if gholston really doesnt give a hoot it would be easy enough to fake the drive, or even believe it himself. I mean these agents put these guys into such a rigorus prep that it would be easy. Hell maybe he even believed he had the drive which means he wasnt faking it. Then he got to the pro's and realized he couldnt just run around people like in college and he would have adjust, and then he found out it was really hard, and he just gave up on trying. I can totally see that as a scenario. it explains how we as a team were collectively fooled about his drive.
With coach Ryan using Gholston as his personal reclamation project and Bart Scott as the leader and mouthpiece of the defense, I expect we will soon see how Gholston responds. Ryan is on record stating he will not have weak players on his team. If he can't cut it, he will soon be unemployed. I expect to see some glimpses of good things to come.
I'm not sure if the decision would be that "cut & dried". Cutting Gholston would wreak havoc on the cap....and trading him would be slightly difficult as well. Let's just hope Ryan turns this guy into Terrell Suggs
i'd like to see the next step for Gholston - Fighting Brandon Moore. They don't call him "Meat" for nothing.
I tend to ignore the "Anonymous" teammates these days. Especially anything coming from the Daily News or Rich Cmini. I think we'll see him have a huge year this year!
Gladys isn't going anywhere except lower on the depth chart. His cap # is so high right now that you'd be in hell for a few years just trying to manage the hit. Un-tradeable and un-cutable for the next few seasons.
He?ll have a lot less to worry out there under Rex? sceme, and can just pin back his ears and go after the QB, like he did in College. We?ll know what he got when Pace returns. In case some of you forgot, this is the Guy who made Jake Long his bitch in College, so there?s still a good chance, that he will be a player, now that he doen?t have to play all that Read-and-react in a complicated Bend-don?t-Break system.
I think way too much is made from Gholston's college career. He got 1 sack off of Long, and some hurries. That doesn't exactly qualify as 'making him his bitch'. Yes, it was the only sack Long allowed that year, but that only goes so far. There are plenty of players that light up the world in college and then don't do squat in the pros. It's more than just physical ability at the professional level. I want Gholston to succeed, but so far he has given me no reason to believe he will.
I really think it was just a question of where we were drafting and our overall depth. The Jets could not pass up an A-list prospect who might fill the ROLB position that is so key to a 3-4 defense. We didn't have the depth to thumb our nose at the charts and take somebody like Mayo - who clearly would have been a talent reach at 6 even though everybody who interviewed him thought he was likely to be anywhere from a solid player to a star. New England had a deep roster and lots of picks (like they always do) and so they could sit in the catbird's seat at 7 and just wait for us to either promote their pick by letting Gholston get by - because we weren't sure about his attitude, or alternately just doing what they did and taking the player most likely to succeed at the pro level. One of these years we'll get a really topnotch management team in house and they'll start setting the table for long term success. Right now we're still dealing with promoters and gamblers and whatever else that accomplishes, consistent long term success is not part of the bargain.
I figure he is going to go on the Injured Reserve (IR) after being diagnosed with depression and social anxiety disorder. It worked for Zack Greinke of the KC Royals..It is the new crutch for players who "Dont have the fire".. After it worked for Greinke, Dontrelle Willis tried it on for size after performing miserably last season and was pitching poorly in Tigers camp, went on the DL with what was described as anxiety disorder... Then just two days apart, Cardinals shortstop Khalil Greene and Reds outfielder Joey Votto also were placed on the DL, Greene on May 28 with what was described as a social anxiety disorder, Votto on May 30 with stress-related issues. I can definitely see VG, sitting in Rex's office head in his hands crying, " I just dont have it coach, I just want to go home"
Some of you guys are funny. Ryan is going to give him an opportunity to succeed. After week 4 we'll have a real good idea of whether he has the drive or not.
I really do want to believe that he just wasn't given a chance to succeed with Mangini. He certainly wasn't on the field much, and didn't even get the chance to suit up one week. I'm just not falling into the Jets trap again. Let him prove it in the first 4 weeks. I'll be the first to give him praise.