I'm not sure to what extent this was discussed pre/post-Draft, but I'm curious about Mark Sanchez's arm in the Meadowlands, as well as other places that have inclement weather, especially late in the season, crunch time. Playing half of his games at USC, he definitely didn't face much adverse weather. I know his arm is pretty strong - by no means a rocket - but he can thread the needle and throw the outs with velocity. However, can he still do this in whipping winds, rain, sleet, snow, and in Foxboro? I guess I'm wondering because after the Giants lost to the Eagles in the Playoffs, there was a lot of murmuring about Eli's arm in the Meadowlands; supposedly his passes lacked some velocity or floated or weren't as tight. Does anyone know if Sanhez has played in poor, cold weather, and if so, how he performed? I'm not skeptical or even concerned at this point, but really, just curious.
as far as wind he should be fine with that. all reports out of mini camp that i saw were that he showed a very strong arm. the other weather stuff i have no idea, but he doesn't seem like the type of guy who is going to let some rain or cold get him off his game.
All that matters to me is winning. If Sanchez can make SMART throws, this team will be in good shape. I don't think he'll lose any games because of the weather. We shouldn't expect him to put up huge numbers, especially on a team with a questionable receiving corps.
Agreed, but I don't mean just this year. I assume, eventually, we'll have a better WR corps. And while smart throws are probably of utmost significance, you also have to be able to execute that smart pass in bad weather. It doesn't matter if he makes the correct read and smart decision, yet can't get the ball there due to weather conditions. It just occurred to me that I haven't seen him play in terrible weather, and there will come a point where he does and still have to make bigtime throws in that weather to win the game.
Chad had a good amount of success in NY with a noodle arm. Sanchez should be fine. Eli's problem has less to do with his arm and more with his being overrated.
Plus, Sanchez throws a nice tight spiral, which should be able to cut through the wind and inclement weather just fine. Eli's passes are just horrible to watch sometimes the way they flutter. That's probably why he struggles at times, more than his arm strength.
the only balls sanchez needs to worry about are the throws he'll be making to the reserve squad monday thru friday. now NEXY TEAR you may have a concern.
I'm more concerned with his throws getting batted down at the LOS than his arm strength. Sanchez is even shorter than Clemens and that worries me.
pennington is the nfl alltime leader in the smart throw category and all anyone on this board would ever talk about was how we couldnt win because he didnt have a strong enough arm, so i dont think just smart throws buys him a ticket, i however dont have any doubts that he will be able to make the strong thows and am more worried about him making the SMART throws just as you are.
Yeah Chad always had a weak arm but he was fine till he had that great fall. QB height is vastly overrated and hardly relevant as long as the mechanics are ok. Brees probably isn't even 6'.
Sanchez will be fine...........No one is perfect in blizzards, but I'm sure he'll make the right decisions and make the "safe" pass to the open guy
The top two Passers last season, Kurt warner and Drew Brees are 6'2 and 6'0 respectivly. Height for a QB is nice, but not as improtant as many seem to belive.
Start Ratliff Unfortunately I believe Brett Ratliff was traded to the Cleveland Browns in the Sachez swap.
OK so apparently everyone forgot our last game of the season.... Chad "Noodle Arm" Pennington whooped us in our own stadium. And as I recall, since I was there, it was a windy day and he still outplayed Brett Favre. People overrate the impact of the winds of the Meadowlands. Penny performed quite well pre-injury, and wasn't too bad afterwards - with the exception of that disaster of a season in 2007. Sanchez will be fine. By many accounts he's got a stronger arm and throws a tighter spiral than Clemens with more zip. I wouldn't worry.
if i remember correctly his game last year against oregon state was in poor weather. he did not play well and they lost the game. i dont remember if it was cold but if i recall correctly it was raining and windy. really i think alot will depend upon how the new stadium plays. giants stadium has always been notorious... i can remember guys since the 80s saying about how the tunnels being opened or closed changed things, about how they would need to throw the ball to one place in order for it to land 10 yards away. who knows what the new stadium will play like. how tall is he exactly? 6' ? there are many guys who didnt make it in the nfl simply due to being too short for every brees there are 100 other guys with tons of talent that would be in the nfl if they were taller.