Handbags have been a good accessory in completing women's outfit. There are a wide variety of handbags that come in different styles, designs, materials, colors and sizes. These accessories have great significance because of their versatility features. Both men and women carry bags, however, it is just well-known that women use them more than men. Furthermore, handbags are also use to create a fashion statement. Different designs and styles are born each year. Celebrities and popular TV icons are often the first to try trendy handbags to complete their looks.Different variety of handbags were basically designed for different purposes. And to make it widely available to everyone, such fashion accessories are now available in different variety of designs, styles and colors to incorporate with different wardrobes. This is the reason why almost all women have 3-5 different types of handbags in their closet
Am I in the twilight Zone. But, definitely more compelling than any current Jets news. Was Sanchez spotted wearing some womens apparel?
Man, that was a tough one. Odds on a comet hitting the earth over the next century - somewhere over 100,000,000 to 1, if you throw in large asteroid which might do the same thing you get more reasonable odds of about 70,000,000 to 1. Odds on the Jets winning the Super Bowl in that span? Probably much better... Odds on Gholston going to a Pro Bowl? Incalculable and probably equivalent to the odds he is selling Life Insurance in Manhattan, Kansas on January 1st 2013. I had to add in the location, profession and date to get the odds to balance out right. ;P
Fuggin A. I hit submit and waz like......o it's a poll. Still, we have some insight into Abyz's world.
:lol: This is an interesting question... But I went with the comet without a question. Although maybe the whole 2012 thing will do it.
Men have a lot of shit to carry around too. That's why I always just lugged one of these around until I turned 17. Once I turned 17 and got my license, my parents chipped in half the money on one of these. While I have gotten plenty of rude comments from people (probably jealous of how much space I have for all my shit), I have never been accused of being gay.