Why the Raiders whiffed on Michael Crabtree

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Raiderjoe, May 20, 2009.

  1. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    heres the real article, nice try Joe.

    Why The Raiders Whiffed On Michael Crabtree BY Jonah Lathbury

    Al Davis is alive, and that means triangle numbers equal wins. Fuck the 90 percent of the sports world who considers this questionable move. I'm Jonah Lathbury, a raiders fan spinning something my beloved Raiders are being questioned on, into a super positive and many more empty promises to come. GO RAIDERS!!!!!!
  2. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Again Says you mister Gym coach/educator. You do know where Giants were drafting from. To move up to sixteen is as far as they would go. Giants traded up alot higher and they would have had to give a kings ransome . Something they weren't willing to do, as they have legitimate superbowl aspirations and needed to fill holes. You move up that far , and you can kiss most of the draft choices goodbye. Again the Great Bill Walsh said you have a conviction in a player, you take a player early, than risk losing out on him.

    bTW- Everything in the draft not only the giants. Other teams not as far back as the Giants, could have been willing to move up closer than Giants were willing to. You never know.
    #42 Raiderjoe, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  3. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Yea but we know Jets don't particular care how fast a player is. (see dearth of speed on their roster) That philosphy hasn't worked in nearly 41 years. So just maybe Jets should change this philosphy somewhat. Just stating the obvious.
  4. Rocinante

    Rocinante New Member

    Feb 25, 2008
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    I just wonder how you can seriously sit there and like the moves your team has made in the past few seasons. The draft record is not good since the Gruden/Callahan era. You inked underachieving Tommy Kelly, Gibril Wilson and Javon Walker and other free agent flunkees to massive contracts. Wilson is now on the Dolphins and Walker, well you know the story.
    They ran D'Angelo hall out and paid him 8 million dollars for 8 games last year. You gave up Randy Moss for Peanuts and got minimal production out of him. Everyone has stated that Darius Heyward Bey was a reach but the more important facet is that the franchise has no direction. It has no direction with draft picks nor free agency. The perception in the NFL, with GREAT football minds that far exceed the knowledge on this message board are unified in the thought process that the Raiders will continue to be plagued by Al Davis' incompetence. Although I laughingly admire your courage for coming on this board with so much Raider love, please, if you really claim to know football--be concerned about the overall ineptitude of the Raider franchise. Don't argue measly points if Dwight Lowery is a starter or not(Remember we cut Justin Miller because Lowery kept him off the field). Don't hate on Crabtree and turn around and denounce people who believe Heyward-Bey is a bust. Is that not a circular discussion? Both haven't even played a down yet. They have done very little to make sense to the point it is not even worth arguing.

    The overarching theme is the general concern you should have for the franchise you love as long as Al Davis is alive.
  5. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I'd just like to say this:

    I think both Crabtree and DHB will both be busts...but DHB will cost more.
  6. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    dearth, the fucking long snapper? wow you couldve dropped so many other names but you go with the fucking long snapper?

    enough said.
  7. This isn't even worth arguing.

    The unsightly Rationalizing of a CLEAR reach on a boom/bust type player 10-15 picks too early speaks for itself.

    I'd treat this thread like a burning tire. Let the stink/crap in the air set and run its course till it finally dies into a pile of obscurity.
  8. Really?

    Jonnie Lam Jones, Rob Moore,Laverneus Coles,Bryant Thomas,Alex Van Dyke, and others were all drafted w/ elite prospectual speed being cited as a main selection point. Obviously w/ mixed results.

    You just refuse to accept that there is more to football than solely triangle/computer numbers. You keep babbling off your whacky 40 times for back-up O-lineman and the rest of us will have a REAL conversation about prospect evaluations.
  9. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Tell me after this season that about Tom Kelly. The guy was coming off a ACL injury late in 2007 and wasn't in top shape for most of the first half of 2008. Those ACL injury usually take two years to come back totally from. Still a not fully healthy Tom kelly was throwing faneca into Favre, like a rag doll.

    Chris Johnson emergence made it much easier to accept the deangelo hall mistake. He was never going to fit in raiders system and Its better to take the big hit now, than to try and justify his acquistion.

    Listen everyone could kiill AL Davis now because it easy, when your not winning. Just like pre 2000 until Raiders went on their run. 2000 - 2002 They were the team to beat in the AFc West. Than you didn't hear AL Davis has lost it, because you couldn't say that anymore. Things change all the time in the NFL. See Dolphins and Falcons just a couple examples .

    When raiders start winning again(it will be soon) people impression of the Oakland Raiders will change too. Rightly so, but again I want you to remember whyo told you first.
  10. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Tell me why they have a combine and put these players through a strenous workout. a Inch or two smaller, a tenth of seconds slower and it can dramicatilly change where a prospect go. What does that tell you about these times.

    Johnnie Lam Jones was always open, the guy just couldn't catch the football consistantly. The 49ers had Johnnie Lam jones after his jet career. He had five yards on the DB, but all you would hear was clank- off his hands.

    Rob Moore and alex Van dyke were not speed threats, they were more possessin reciever types. Maybe what Jets have now at Wr, those guys look like burners.

    B Thomas might have had straight speed but when you play DE it involves alot more than that. Thats why they have diffrent drills they put a prospect through. How well that player did in college, HIs forty times, and in various drillsThree cone, ss all help a team make an accurate assessment of a player.
    Also you have to look at some player Vernon Gholston and say was he a product ofa chemistist in college. Now with testing in NFL(he hasn't found a hgh supplier ) He can't take the Steriods he used in college.
    Weren't there rumors out there before the draft last year.
    #50 Raiderjoe, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  11. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    I Just like to say your NO GM(the poster on this board) So your opinion means very little. I want real draft info, i go to the source(GM) Can I nominate him for 2009 draft guru.
    #51 Raiderjoe, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  12. jets2884

    jets2884 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    Al Davis Why Must You Be So Old And Living In The Past?!?!?!? Just Sit Back And Enjoy Watching Football Like A Fan Maybe The Raiders Might Gain A Winning Record!
  13. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    Aww shucks, Jeaux. You treat me too kindly. I'm not a coach & educator by profession, I'm just a lot smarter than you are. The Giants are legit Super Bowl contenders. This being the case, it was speculated by many that they would give up that "king's ransom" and take a highly touted prospect. The only hole the Giants needed to fill was at WR.

    I am not going to speculate about other teams that might have been willing to move up and take DHB. But what you said about Bill Walsh can be a damning indictment of the Raiders. I agree, if you have conviction in a player, you take them early. Having said that, you need to have conviction in your scouting department and GM. The Raiders don't, and should not, have that. DHB was a reach, it's not crazy to say that. It is, however, crazy, not to admit it.
  14. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    How many titles have the raiders won in the last 20 or so years?
  15. jets2884

    jets2884 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    lol first of all gholston wasnt on steroids man lol but i think this is a very good post by you you just dont realize it lol see the bolds above...thats why people get annoyed when you praise 40 times because football is alot more than that, while the combine is a great part of the puzzle, its not the whole thing its just a piece....And even then sometimes they can be beasts in college/have great 40 times and combine drills and still be busts, because they are in the wrong system or theyre game simply does not translate to the pro level so no matter what its always hit or miss.....
  16. jets2884

    jets2884 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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  17. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    well you seem to imply you were an educator/teacher. Listen maybe your smarter than me, maybe your not.
    Maybe you can help me out with something einstein. The cowboys were favorites to win a championship the last couple of years. What did that do for them . Nothing.
    The game isn't played on paper, but on the football field.
    Giants only need was a WR. Really. They didn't need more depth on the oline. Comeon who you think your talking to Jet fans.

    Listen who been calling the shots for the Raiders in the 60's, 70's 80, 90, 2000's . Nothing has changed. Raiders have been a very sucessfully franchsie who has fallen on tough times recently. IT happens to everyone see 49ers, dallas and eventually the Patriots. When the Raiders start winning , all this AL Davis nonsense will dissapear too.
  18. My point wasn't analyze all the individual players, it was to prove the point that the jets HAVE fallen into the "40 time" trap in the past. They've TRIED to live by the philosophy that you currently do. Most of the time it hasn't worked.

    The time is put into the combine b/c NFL teams want as much information as possible on prospects before they hand out millions upon millions of dollars to a 21-22 year old kid. The combine is just another tool in the evaluating prospects. Some teams like the current Raiders, and/or the eagles/jets of the past have put WAY too much stock into individual work-out numbers. The teams w/ the correct philosophy are those that take the numbers in stride. Most teams know what a guy is gonna run/jump/lift anyway. If they impress or dissapoint beyond that..it's just a reason to go back and watch more film/re evaluate things hollistically. Nothing more..nothing else.

    Teams get in trouble when they make the workout numbers larger than life and don't keep things in perspective. In other words...if one of your main reasons for selecting or passing on a given player is "He ran a 4.3 forty and had a 40' vert" rather than "He's displayed elite speed and athleticism on film and at workouts", odds are you're gonna get burnt more times than not.
  19. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    How many AFc Championships and Superbowls they been to. There is only one winner every year. Have you ever went to a superbowl party and saw your team playing in the final game of the NFL season.
  20. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Well if the goal is to almost win it. Then the Raiders rule!

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