xavier nady is going to have tommy john surgery and is fdone for the year. reported on 1050 espn radio. michael kay is reporting. yankees have not released an official word.
yeah he had TJS already. Austin Jackson and Kevin Russo were pulled from today's AAA game in the 3rd inning... It seems way way way to early to bring AJax up, but Russo could be an interesting option. He can play all IF positions, and has played sparingly in the OF. He has been doing exceptionally well in AAA so far, and could get a shot at 3B until arod is back since Pena seems overmatched. I'm thinking Nady on the DL and Pena or Ransom sent down, Russo and either Shelley or John Rodriguez called up. As much as I love Austin Jackson, its to early to bring him up, he needs regular at bats down in AAA for the season
This definitely sucks. The bright side is that it automatically makes Swisher the everyday right fielder. I'm not very excited that Melky will now see more at-bats though.
I see them now trying to package Melky and one of the young pitchers for a new outfielder. Or do we have anyone in the farm system worth bringin up? BTW this sux
Fuck it. Bring up Jackson. See what he does. If it doesn't go well.... well... he's not going to be ruined, and he'll still likely be better than Melky or Gardner. (That's my emotional overreaction. I think they'll be fine. Nady's not much better than league average. That's all they need to replace.)
Meh, Yanks have outfielders. It hurts but it's nothing crucial. Nady was playing pretty well but we all know swisher was taking his job. I'm comfortable with Gardner (who i think will continue to develop), Damon, Matsui, Swisher and Melky. Plus early in the season i believe i heard the yanks were planning on bringing up Jackson around the all star break.
I'm in agreement with the bring up Jackson camp. To begin with, he'd only be a bench player, and see limited late-game action, at least for the first few months. Get him acclimated to the majors.
no way, hes still really young, and he kind of struggled i aaa last year. He needs to perfect his craft in aaa next year is when you bring him up
Naw, man... Jackson is still a bit raw. He's a hell of a talent, but you don't bring up a developing prospect and let him sit on the bench. What he needs are regular ABs. The question is whether getting those regular ABs at the major league level will be helpful or detrimental. If they decide to bring him up and make him the starting CF, that's one thing. You're almost certainly rushing him, but maybe he can handle it. He's come a long way in a short time. On the other hand, maybe you do what you did to Melky. Regardless of what you think of Melky's skills, it's very easy to forget that he's only 24 years old*, and hardly saw ANY time at AAA (313 PAs). He's had to (try to) learn/adjust at the major league level, and it could very well have cost him (and the Yanks). That's not to say he would be a top prospect or a star by now... but he wouldn't have had to struggle through two seasons at a level where you can't "work on stuff," and he wouldn't be out of options right now. * - Think about that... this year, after three-plus seasons at the major league level, Melky has finally reached the average age of an MLB rookie.
Hello Nick Swisher. Matsui can now begin to dust off his glove as well. Melky can fill in as well. All will be well.
As far as I know, they're going to keep sending him to new specialists until it's impossible to ignore that he needs surgery.