offer for Cutler 1. Thomas Jones 2. Bryan Thomas 3. Brad Smith 4. Choice of Ratty or Clemens Jones is already pulling a "Coles whine." Leon can be a full-time back and there are plenty other RBs available, but few PRO BOWL QBs like Cutler. Smith and Thomas are dead weight. Jets must keep the 1st round pick and all their picks. I know, I know...Denver would never agree--hey, it's just a thread to get people talking.
The Jets dont want Cutler, its not that the cost is prohibitive, it is that his style of play is not conducive to what we are building.
A chance to bring the most cursed franchise in the NFL to glory should be enough for anyone, Rex took the challenge, a place to go where only one QB to wear a Jets logo has ever dared and triumphed. Many have tried and failed to find a place where legends go. Do you have the guts Mr Cutler?
and who the hell are you to say? sweet vocabulary for someone who doesn't know what the hell they are talking about. we need a big arm and someone who can buy sometime in the pocket, good thing he can do both
People need to realize Bryan Thomas has no trade value. All of us here at TGG know he's a piece of trash, and consequently, the entire NFL realizes it too. Next, T Jones is a 30 yr old RB rendering him worthless on the trade block. Also, Brad Smith is a special teamer at best, and Denver would laugh if he was part of any package coming from NYJ. Lastly, Clemens and Ratliff are both completely unproven at the NFL level and in no way would Denver be willing to take one of them on to replace their young pro-bowl QB.
its a thread that doesn't make any sense, and poses a ridiculous hypothetical offer. If your bored, I understand because most of the threads have been horrible lately with no useful information, but pose a question worth thinking about, not a statement like " The Jets should trade away this", that isn't possible and would never happen
even then...the contracts, the cap hits, and the inability for McDaniels to pick his own guy(s)...and then willingly except former Jets... there is no player(s) for player trade the Jets could make Mods should delete these threads as soon as they are created...this is may have taken the lead for worst Cutler thread
Ha ha, sorry about that. I was writing a term paper and checked this site during a break. That being said, I have no way to "prove" it but everything that the Jets have done up to this point indicate that they are building a team with a great defense and an "all weather" offense. Cutler would be good for a team like the Lions or Chiefs who would love his play making ability and can take the good with the bad. For the Jets, a gunslinger is just not the right fit. Hindsight is 20/20 but we need a Chad Pennington type :rofl: :finssuck: